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 Practical tips for translation of *.lang files (Localization)
Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

02.10.2012 00:39
#1 Bonus square descriptions - how to avoid problems caused by too long texts Zitat · Antworten

Hello, dear Translators of Scrabble3D !

Today I would like to explain something to you that is regarding the following lines:

rscrabblegrid_singleletterscore=single letter score
rscrabblegrid_doubleletterscore=double letter score
rscrabblegrid_tripleletterscore=triple letter score
rscrabblegrid_quadletterscore=quad letter score
rscrabblegrid_doublewordscore=double word score
rscrabblegrid_triplewordscore=triple word score
rscrabblegrid_quadwordscore=quad word score

These texts are for the bonus field description (see Configuration > Settings > Design).
If these texts are too long, they are not shown correctly on the board, because there is not enough place in the squares of the 2D board. There are also differences in how these texts are shown in different operating systems (in Linux it is different from Windows), and in different sizes of the main window of Scrabble3D. And if users have the big Superscrabble board, maybe on a small notebook, it is absolutely impossible to read anything.

Rather big Classic randomized board with bonus and malus square descriptions (Linux Ubuntu Gnome)

Rather big Superscrabble randomized board with bonus and malus square descriptions (Linux Ubuntu Gnome)

Classic randomized board with bonus and malus square descriptions in Latin (Win7)

That's why Scotty and I recommend you to write short texts, i.e. abbreviations, maybe like this:


In the file french.lang we have written:

rscrabblegrid_singleletterscore=1x lettre
rscrabblegrid_doubleletterscore=2x lettre
rscrabblegrid_tripleletterscore=3x lettre
rscrabblegrid_quadletterscore=4x lettre
rscrabblegrid_doublewordscore=2x mot
rscrabblegrid_triplewordscore=3x mot
rscrabblegrid_quadwordscore=4x mot
(letter = letter, mot = word)

Superscrabble randomized board with French bonus square descriptions (Win7)

Thank you very much!
Yours sincerely,

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