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 Practical tips for translation of *.lang files (Localization)
Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

02.10.2012 01:19
How to create line breaks in hints (tooltips) Zitat · Antworten

Line breaks in hints, i.e. tooltips

In the hints of the files default.lang / english.lang, Scotty has not implemented any line breaks. This is due to the fact that he has no line break signs in his source code. And that means that translators who don’t check other language files, unfortunately never will know anything about the possiblity to avoid one very very long line in a tooltip by using a special command in the lang-files.

Let me give you an example in Catalan language:

rgWordCheckMode.Hint=Trieu com es validen les jugades: Prevalidació=valida la jugada abans de fer-la efectiva; Consulta=després de fer la jugada, demana als altres jugadors si s'han d'acceptar els mots, Impugnació=impugna la jugada

Screenshot: Ugly, long one line tooltip without any line breaks

This is really a very very long hint (= tooltip). But if you put \\n (= backslash backslash n ) somewhere in your hint text, this will create a line break:

rgWordCheckMode.Hint=Trieu com es validen les jugades:\\n• Prevalidació=valida la jugada abans de fer-la efectiva;\\n• Consulta=després de fer la jugada, demana als\\n altres jugadors si s'han d'acceptar els mots;\\n• Impugnació=impugna la jugada

Trieu com es validen les jugades:\\n
• Prevalidació=valida la jugada abans de fer-la efectiva;\\n
• Consulta=després de fer la jugada, demana als\\n
altres jugadors si s'han d'acceptar els mots;\\n
• Impugnació=impugna la jugada

As you see, I have even added points (Alt+7 in Windows OS) and spaces in order to have a nicer tooltip.

Screenshot: Nice compact tooltip with several line breaks

This is a little bit like a nice make-up for the otherwise already beautiful interface of our Scrabble3D.exe.

Good luck with your \\n line breaks!

But pay attention, please: These line breaks are possible only in hints, not elsewhere!

Example: rgWordCheckMode.Hint=xxxxxxx\\nxxxxx

Kind regards from your

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

03.01.2013 12:03
#2 RE: How to create line breaks in hints (tooltips) Zitat · Antworten

If you are working in po format line breaks in hints (tooltips) are created by only one backslash and the letter n: \n (instead of \\n in ini format).

Example taken from spanish.lang in po format:

#: acchallenge.hint
msgctxt "acChallenge.Hint"
msgid "Object last move"
msgstr "Jugando en modo \"Cuestionamiento\", se puede\ncuestionar la jugada que se acaba de colocar"

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