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Dieses Thema hat 0 Antworten
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Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.780

14.03.2013 19:31
Kudos to the authors of italiano.dic Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Fabrizio per Email

i dowloaded the game yesterday and i really enjoy it but I would like to
take your attendion to the fact the the dictionaries (expecially the italian
one wich is my mother language) are fullfilled with non existing words.

Zitat von my reply

almost all dictionaries are prepared according to national rules and based
on official directories. Italian was made by Dinelli/De Landro/Sirianni based
on Zingarelli [1].

Zitat von Fabrizio per Email

Actually today i'm incorring in really unused but absolutelly correct words
(and i love that! really challenging).... and i'm usually lossing the game
with 200 points less than the computer. Maybe in the previews days i didnt
check correctly some obsolete words... my bad.
Thank you again for the wonderfull job.

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