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Dieses Thema hat 2 Antworten
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 Questions about the program
Ronaldvexa Offline

Beiträge: 2

03.05.2015 03:17
Unexpected error: " " is an invalid integer Zitat · Antworten


This is an awesome program. I just tried it today.
Now I try to play,but I receive an error message: An unexpected error has ocurred: " " is an invalid integer.
How do I solve this.

Thank you!

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.787

04.05.2015 20:10
#2 RE: Unexpected error: " " is an invalid integer Zitat · Antworten

Sorry but I have no idea how to help here. The error means an empty string is assigned to a variable where a number is expected. This could happen everywhere, though I tried to catch those exceptions. My advice is to make sure you run the latest program, to use default settings with a clean configuration (although your report sounds as if you have a new installation).

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Ronaldvexa Offline

Beiträge: 2

04.05.2015 21:51
#3 RE: Unexpected error: " " is an invalid integer Zitat · Antworten

Reinstalled. Now it works fine. Thank you!

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