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Dieses Thema hat 2 Antworten
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 Bugreports & Suggestions
Donald Offline

Beiträge: 6

01.08.2015 21:11
Sending Messages with Windows 8 Zitat · Antworten


Having just updated my Mum's Windows 8 laptop with version 3.1.3-1_Win64, when sending messages the message window (to type in) is partially obscured (not enough height) so that letters do not appear properly (e.g. lower case "j" will look like lower case "i").

I've tried dragging other windows to try to correct it but no luck. Any suggestions?

P.S. The list of names to the left of the typing window is also affected: names are crushed together and only appear when pointed at with the mouse.

Thanks in anticipation!

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.787

01.08.2015 23:11
#2 RE: Sending Messages with Windows 8 Zitat · Antworten

That's not good. Looks as if font size isn't calculated properly. As a workaround you might reduce the size or change the font itself. But any real solution would need to change code.

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Donald Offline

Beiträge: 6

02.08.2015 15:36
#3 RE: Sending Messages with Windows 8 Zitat · Antworten

Thanks for your reply, Scotty. I've tried changing fonts, but I don't seem able to do so for the windows affected. (I've noticed other windows, e.g. Network log on window, where text does not display properly.) I think I'll go back to the old version in the meantime.

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