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Dieses Thema hat 3 Antworten
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 Bugreports & Suggestions
LawrenceA Offline

Beiträge: 1

21.12.2015 05:09
Compile under Lazarus missing *.obj files Zitat · Antworten

Hi! Being a newbie to Pascal, I thought a good way to learn both the language and this entertaining game would be to see if I could compile it under Lazarus Windows. Unfortunately it states that it cannot find the *.obj files such as board.obj. Any thoughts?

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.780

21.12.2015 22:04
#2 RE: Compile under Lazarus missing *.obj files Zitat · Antworten

I add ressources to the executable using the {$I ...} compiler switch. Ressources are images, for instance the tiny flags in the tooltip on gameserver) or the cursors for drag operations, that are named *.lrs. But I have also *.obj files for the OpenGL model and textures- and thoses files are named *.obj (for no special reason). And the problem results from the fact that Lazarus has a publish function to copy relevant stuff to another directory but does not include *.obj files by default. To cut a long story short: The obj files are added to the repository now. Sorry.

PS: I don't think my code is good to learn pascal. Rather it is an example how to not do write spaghetti code. Although some units are not that bad. Feel free to ask in case.

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22.12.2015 00:31
#3 RE: Compile under Lazarus missing *.obj files Zitat · Antworten

Thank you for the prompt response Scotty! Much appreciated. In fact, the client/server application is quite ideal for understanding how it all fits together. Will probably have to ask some more basics over the next few days! :)

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.780

22.12.2015 01:41
#4 RE: Compile under Lazarus missing *.obj files Zitat · Antworten

It works, but actually it's suggested to have a thread for every client. My server process data sequentially because it wasn't stable with threads and I'm afraid to touch a maximum number of threads. Synapse has a quite good chat examples that I took as basis for the first code.

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