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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

13.08.2020 16:40
#46 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

What do you actually mean by unofficial editions? You mean that they are produced by other authors and not by released by Mattel outside of USA and Canada and Hasbro inside of USA and Canada?
In your list of languages in unofficial editions, Scottish Gaelic and Cyrillic Serbian are the same language each. You counted them separately, isn't it?

Perhaps that we should add the letter distribution and points for each letter in Tamil Scrabble both for Sorkalam style of play and Scrabble3D style of play in Wikipedia page for letter distributions. It will be followed by the other Indian languages as well.
I got hold of Scrabble3D application from the Wikipedia page on Scrabble tile distributions for different languages. When it said about Maths Scrabble I got the link from it, which I had been longing to play it for a long period of time and trying out with an experience upon it.
But in Scrabble3D application, everything can be tuned according to the taste of the players: board size, board layout, whether Scrabble board is 2D or 3D, letter distribution, points for each letter, number of tiles in rack and dictionary words.
But in Tamil Scrabble in Scrabble3D application, for 100 tiles, I made use of 90 frequently used letters and 10 randoms which will not respect frequency of each letter that is present in the dictionary and will be evenly distributed. Alternately that I could also make use of 100 random tiles which are generated by making use of computer program along with the points of each letter depending upon the frequency of each letter in the dictionary which will respect frequency of each letter that is present in the dictionary and will not be evenly distributed.
For Sorkalam style of play, it is all fixed, 17×17 fixed size of Scrabble board, 165 tiles of which 90 of them are wooden tiles for representing pure vowels or pure consonants, 55 of them are glass tiles for representing combo of consonants and vowels and 20 of them are blank tiles. Exactly and only one single glass tile can be overlapped on top of each of other wooden tiles.

Evolution of that Tamil Script from that Brahmi Script over the last two millennia, first of all I saw them in Madurai Temple way back in 1998 when I was just simply 10 years old:

Old enough, that 3rd century BC Tamil Script inscriptions over stone by making use of Brahmi Script, including that of most popular enough Tamil poetry work, that Thirukkural:

𑀅 → அ, 𑀆 → ஆ, 𑀇 → இ, 𑀈 → ஈ, 𑀉 → உ, 𑀊 → ஊ, எ, 𑀏 → ஏ, 𑀐 → ஐ, ஒ, 𑀑 → ஓ, 𑀒 → ஔ.
𑀓 → க, 𑀔, 𑀕, 𑀖, 𑀗 → ங, 𑀘 → ச, 𑀙, 𑀚 → ஜ, 𑀛, 𑀜 → ஞ, 𑀝 → ட, 𑀞, 𑀟, 𑀠, 𑀡 → ண, 𑀢 → த, 𑀣, 𑀤, 𑀥, 𑀦 → ந, 𑀧 → ப, 𑀨, 𑀩, 𑀪, 𑀫 → ம, 𑀬 → ய, 𑀭 → ர, 𑀮 → ல, 𑀯 → வ, 𑀰 → ஶ, 𑀱 → ஷ, 𑀲 → ஸ, 𑀳 → ஹ, 𑀴 → ள, 𑀵 → ழ, 𑀶 → ற, 𑀷 → ன.

Similarly whatever that to that of evolution of that Latin Script from that Egyptian Hierogylphs → Proto-Sinaitic → Phoenician Alphabet → Greek Script → Latin Script / Cyrillic Script only actually ever:

𐤀 → Α, 𐤁 → Β, 𐤂 → Γ, 𐤃 → Δ, 𐤄 → Ε, 𐤅 → Υ, 𐤆 → Ζ, 𐤇 → Η, 𐤈 → Θ, 𐤉 → Ι, 𐤊 → Κ, 𐤋 → Λ, 𐤌 → Μ, 𐤍 → Ν, 𐤎 → Ξ, 𐤏 → Ο, 𐤐 → Π, 𐤑, 𐤒 → Q, 𐤓 → Ρ, 𐤔 → Σ, 𐤕 → Τ

In features of Xobor forum software, it is good enough that any of inline attached and linked images to any post in any forum by making use of features of Xobor forum software, whatever that large enough images are only shown small enough in posted messages as their own thumbnails, they will expand only if they are clicked enough. I am not sure about the features of another of type of forum software, only actually ever.

From among that alphabetical system of letters that from that Latin Script (English Script), Greek Script (Greek Script) and Cyrillic Script (Russian Script):
Letters that are common to that Latin Script (English Script), Greek Script (Greek Script) and Cyrillic Script (Russian Script):
A, B, E, H, K, M, O, P, T, X, Y
Letters that are common to that Latin Script (English Script) and Greek Script (Greek Script) but not to that Cyrillic Script (Russian Script) only:
I, N, Z
Letters that are common to that Latin Script (English Script) and Cyrillic Script (Russian Script) but not to that Greek Script (Greek Script) only:
Letters that are common to that Greek Script (Greek Script) and Cyrillic Script (Russian Script) but not to that Latin Script (English Script) only:
Γ, Π, Φ
Letters that are common to that Latin Script (English Script) only but not to that Greek Script (Greek Script) and Cyrillic Script (Russian Script):
D, F, G, J, L, Q, R, S, U, V, W
Letters that are common to that Greek Script (Greek Script) only but not to that Latin Script (English Script) and Cyrillic Script (Russian Script):
Δ, Θ, Λ, Ξ, Σ, Ψ, Ω
Letters that are common to that Cyrillic Script (Russian Script) only but not to that Latin Script (English Script) and Greek Script (Greek Script):
Б, Д, Ё, Ж, З, И, Й, Л, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ, Ъ, Ы, Ь, Э, Ю, Я

Latin Script (English Script): 26 in number.
Greek Script (Greek Script): 24 in number.
Cyrillic Script (Russian Script): 33 in number.|addpics|ubb-68-a53e.jpg,ubb-6b-7308.jpg,ubb-6c-7b79.png,ubb-69-84f6.png,ubb-6a-6670.png,ubb-67-1026.jpg,ubb-6d-6e3f.png,ubb-6f-7b8c.jpg,ubb-6e-1159.png,ubb-6h-f1a1.jpg,ubb-6g-9b4a.gif|/addpics|

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

13.08.2020 16:55
#47 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #46
What do you actually mean by unofficial editions? You mean that they are produced by other authors and not by released by Mattel outside of USA and Canada and Hasbro inside of USA and Canada?

Yes, they call it like that. "Official editions" = only Mattel's or Hasbro's commercial editions. Everything else is called "unofficial".

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #46
In your list of languages in unofficial editions, Scottish Gaelic and Cyrillic Serbian are the same language each. You counted them separately, isn't it?

Thank you. I have corrected my mistake.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

18.08.2020 14:35
#48 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #40
(2) It would be good to have 2 separate racks, first rack can hold upto 10 wooden tiles for letters corresponding to the sounds of pure vowels and pure consonants + அ. Second rack can hold upto 5 glass tiles for letters corresponding to the sounds of combos of consonants and vowels. Exactly and only one single glass tile can be overlapped on top of each of other wooden tiles.

An interesting idea struck in my mind yesterday night.

As teenagers or as young adults, my cousins and I would play the cows and bulls game in English language. The player has to find the correct 4-letter (or n-letter) word thought by opponent player within a number of attempts (unlimited number, of course) but if 2 players play it, then whoever finds it within fewer number of attempts wins the game.
For each attempt, the player guesses a 4-letter (or n-letter) word and the opponent player gives clues similar to that of mastermind game, according to number of bulls (how many letters are present in the word in correct position) and number of cows + bulls (how many letters are present in the word whether in correct position or in incorrect position).
Number of cows (how many letters are present in the word in incorrect position) is not directly used in the clue but instead cows + bulls is used. Number of cows used in the clue can be derived directly by subtracting first number from second number.

For example, if thought word by opponent player is FISH,
and if the player guesses FIND: 2 2 (2 bulls, 0 cows),
and if the player guesses SHIP: 0 3 (0 bulls, 3 cows).

Note: if thought word by opponent player is NONE,
and if the player guesses ANON: that would be 0 3 and not 0 2,
and if the player guesses KNOW: that would be 0 2 and not 0 3,
and if the player guesses ELSE: that would be 1 1 and not 1 2.

We have played this with numbers provided that leading zeros are not allowed. All sorts of number sequences can be combined together unlike a language in which only valid words are allowed to be thought by opponent players and guessed by players.
How about extending this game to Tamil language? Since there are at least 247 core letters in Tamil language, even if Sanskrit letters are excluded from it, so that if it were played like English language, then except for the Tamil letters thought in the word, all other letter sequences in the word would yield 0 0 making it very easy for players to guess the letters in the Tamil word.

To make it more fun than even that in English language, I got this idea. The idea of giving 2 pairs of clues, 1 pair for consonants and 1 pair for vowels.

For example, if thought word by opponent player is மஞ்சள்,
and if the player guesses பஞ்சம்,
then for consonant sequence: ம, ஞ, ச, ள vs ப, ஞ, ச, ம: 2 3,
then for vowel sequence: அ, ஃ, அ, ஃ vs அ, ஃ, அ, ஃ: 4 4,
and so that would be:
┌ 2 3 ┐
└ 4 4 ┘

If thought word by opponent player is தங்கம்,
and if the player guesses பீரங்கி,
then for consonant sequence: த, ங, க, ம vs ப, ர, ங, க: 0 2,
then for vowel sequence: அ, ஃ, அ, ஃ vs ஈ, அ, ஃ, இ: 0 2,
and so that would be:
┌ 0 2 ┐
└ 0 2 ┘

If thought word by opponent player is தங்கம்,
and if the player guesses மயங்கு,
then for consonant sequence: த, ங, க, ம vs ம, ய, ங, க: 0 3,
then for vowel sequence: அ, ஃ, அ, ஃ vs அ, அ, ஃ, உ: 1 3,
and so that would be:
┌ 0 3 ┐
└ 1 3 ┘

In any game that makes use of Tamil language or any other Indian language, whether it is Scrabble or cows and bulls or words building, all vowels can be assumed to be preceded by the same null consonant. In my humble opinion, (unvoiced) glottal stop, whose symbol in International Phonetic alphabet is ʔ, fits well for this purpose.
Although it is not this way of combination, for the purpose of any game in Tamil language, ஃ can be assumed to be as a combination of ʔ + ்.

I leave it to the choice of other players whoever will be willing to play this game in the future period of time, whether க்ஷ can be treated and used as a single Tamil letter or as a combination of க் and ஷ,
and whether ஶ்ரீ can be treated and used as a single Tamil letter or as a combination of ஶ் and ரீ (and so that would also be for all of types of consonant - vowel combo Tamil letters in the ஶ் + ர as a combined consonant row sequence).

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

13.09.2020 13:39
#49 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Who is Alexlatham96 (not me) who added up Scrabble letter distribution for Tamil Scrabble on Wikipedia page (just today!)? Anyone from here simply?
I want to talk with you. Can you please register in this forum and talk with me? If you are a Tamilian, will you be interested in trying out an online game with me on 21×21 board with 220 tiles, may be to start up with?

Some facts in that Tamil Section in Wikipedia article need revising. Scrabble3D application is a game in which board size, board layout, letter distribution, points for tiles, number of tiles in rack, dictionary words, etc. everything can be set according to player's wishes.

Tamil-language sets use these 1000 tiles:

I created 1000 tiles to experience 15×15×15 3D Scrabble board played games and to give people a precise idea on frequency of each Tamil letter in dictionary so that people will be able to downgrade or upgrade from there for smaller or larger letter sets depending upon their own wishes.

Tamil scrabble is played on a 45×45 board, and 20 tiles are on a rack at a time.

It can be also played with smaller boards with smaller letter sets, or larger boards with larger letter sets. I first tried it out on a 45×45 Scrabble board just simply to test if the dictionary is fine by running and executing a demo with only 4 of computer players, not as opponent players. And also for precisely representing the frequency of letters that are rarely made use of in Tamil language. Number of tiles in rack can also be anything between 15 and 20. Slightly lesser than 15 is also OK. But as that number gets too low, it does not provide much of flexibility to form words and open up board with larger boards for large and diverse number of (various) different letters in Tamil language.

Was this statement made only solely by looking at my first post of mine in this thread and not remaining of the posts and screenshots of board positions and images that are attached in this thread?

Also, ஙி, ஙீ, and ஙூ have no tiles because these letters do not exist in any Tamil words.

This is only according to Tamil Lexicon dictionary, that is published by University of Madras, There may be words that contain those Tamil letters that are not present in that dictionary at all. But that in Scrabble3D application, if a word does not exist in the dictionary, then it is not necessarily invalid, but can be accepted and placed on Scrabble board if other human players as opponent players (either online or offline) agree to it by means of consensus by making use of poll as a voting mechanism. While playing with other computer players as opponent players (only offline and never online), only approval from us as a human player is needed and a word will be accepted and placed on Scrabble word even if it is a phony for that particular language.

2 blank tiles (scoring 0 points)

This is wrong. In my Tamil letter set that I prepared with, I did not make use of any blank tile at all and including that will bring with the count of total Tamil letters that are made use of to 1002. Please check it out by yourself also, with that thing.
In my own humble opinion, by means of scaling from conventional English Scrabble rules, if blank tiles are used, then they will be 20 in number for 1000 tiles.

Total number of tiles comes out to be 992 (excluding 2 blank tiles (scoring 0 points)) according to, as per my own calculations. Please check it out by yourself also, with that thing.
One or more Tamil letters seem and appear to be dropped out and so that needs revising. I will come back with the revised data later on.

ந் ×8 for 3 points seems and appears to be dropped out over thereby, isn't it?

In my own humble opinion, Tamil section in Wikipedia article can be kept like this:
Mention about Sorkalam game at first, and, which is played on 17×17 Scrabble board and makes use of 90 wooden tiles (for representing with pure vowel letters and for representing with pure consonant letters), 55 glass tiles (for representing with hooks that are added on to any of consonant letters) and 20 blank tiles. At most 1 glass tile can be overlapped on top of each of wooden tile. 1 blank tile is allowed per player per turn.
Sorkalam Tamil Scrabble game is played with 2 separate racks for each of players containing with 8 wooden tiles and 6 glass tiles. Post a link of Amazon version of that played game in the Wikipedia page,

Or a link to separate Wikipedia page: 'See also Sorkalam (game)' for Tamil Scrabble section in Wikipedia article if one exists exclusively for it or that if that Sorkalam game designer will be willing to create one exclusively for it to discuss about everything in that Sorkalam Tamil Scrabble game in detail.
That will be in a separate Wikipedia page, just simply like 'See also Equate (game)' for Maths Scrabble section in Wikipedia article.

After that, write that an alternate letter distribution by Scrabble3D application makes use of my letter distribution.

I also think of creating a more difficult (keep it as separate) version of Tamil dictionary with 1000 tiles by making use of digraphs and trigraphs for representing each of Tamil letter. This will have larger and diverse number of (various) different Tamil letters and so number of tiles in rack should be as high as 20 so as to provide much of flexibility.
In this version of Tamil Scrabble, letters like கெ and கொ can be considered as 1 single tile.

People can choose to play between easy or difficult version of Tamil Scrabble depending upon their own tastes. In difficult version of Tamil Scrabble, digraphs and trigraphs are made use of for representing each of Tamil letter. In easy version of Tamil Scrabble, they are not.

Note that I have not included with any blank tile because already 20 tiles in rack is used to provide much of flexibility. Also that if needed for difficult version of Tamil Scrabble in which digraphs and trigraphs are made use of for representing each of Tamil letter, one tile can be changed to blank tile per turn (Control + Right Mouse Click) if What-If-Only variant is enabled in it if players can be able to score at least 20 points or more in that turn (adjustable too). If that is not possible when one tile is converted to blank tile in a turn (Control + Right Mouse Click), that player has to pass with their own turn and that letter will remain as blank during the next turn as well. This is very much useful during endgame when some tiles, easy or difficult, are not possible to be pushed away, and it will remain as a race to several players whoever will be able to empty their racks at first and grab all of points from other players. Hopefully that in this situation, it should be possible to push away all of tiles in racks by any player without stagnating any thing at end and played game ending by all players passing away with multiple times.
I have also not made use of any random tiles also to precisely represent frequency of each Tamil letter for 1000 tiles as they would occur in that Tamil Lexicon dictionary, that is published by University of Madras and to avoid redundant and difficult to play letters that come if they are ever included into them.

So that Tamil Section in Wikipedia page on Scrabble letter distributions need revising. Please give me 1 week of tile to prepare about it.
It can also say that Tamil language hooks of u sound (ு) and oo sound (ூ) are missing from Sorkalam Tamil Scrabble game played with glass tiles and that Scrabble3D version handles them. They can be only used by blank tiles of which 1 is allowed per player per turn.
Words containing 2 ு letters like நுணுக்கம் can only be played if 1 of ு letter is already there on board as blank tile and that another of ு letter should also only be played with blank tile. Words containing 3 ு letters like சிட்டுக்குருவி cannot be played until 2 of those exist already in board in straight line by using blanks with the correct distance inbetween them.

In Sorkalam Tamil Scrabble game, Sanskrit letters of ஸ, ஜ, ஷ, ஹ, க்ஷ, ஶ்ரீ and ஶ can also only be played with blank tiles. Tamil letters of ஶ், ஶ, ஶி, ஶீ, ஶு and ஶூ are not mentioned in Tamil section in Wikipedia article.
I left out with ஶ because it is very rarely used in Sanskrit loanwords and Valluvan Tamil font does not support it.

In most cases, Tamil letter of ச should be a good substitute for Tamil letter of ஶ except perhaps when ஶ் combines with ரீ to form with ஶ்ரீ.
In Valluvan Tamil font, separate Tamil letters for ெ, ே, ை and ா cannot be properly represented. But that is for easy version of Tamil Scrabble. In difficult version of Tamil Scrabble in which digraphs and trigraphs are made use of for representing each of Tamil letter, words that contain with ஶ can be included back again whenever that I make use of Unicode Tamil font for best results, ever.

I wonder whether exotic things like Scrabble with perfect squares, triangular numbers, Roman numerals, etc. along with their own letter distributions and points for each letter could be added up to that Wikipedia page.

It is really very much of fun in playing by that way, just simply.
Scrabble with mathematical equations should be open to everyone in the world and not limited to speakers of a specific language, if it would be made popular with everyone all round the world anyway and if any tournaments are conducted with them anyway.
Scrabble with perfect squares and triangular numbers are lot of fun to play with 7 or 8 tiles in rack but cannot be played by people without the aid of any helper tools to be suitable for tournament play unless a player can by heart all such list of numbers by heart in memory and can recall from memory in an instant.
Scrabble with Roman numerals is also a lot of fun to play with 7 or 8 tiles in rack and should be open to everyone in the world without the aid of any helper tools and should be suitable for tournament play.

People may be downloading and using my own prepared Tamil Scrabble dictionary in Scrabble3D application.
Either that just that they are not connecting with me to test and play games with me simply or that download statistics in sourceforge page may not be showing up properly.

I say this because of the fact that points of each of Tamil letter in Tamil section in Wikipedia article have been prepared from my latest uploaded version of Tamil dictionary on sourceforge page and not from my earlier posts in this thread in this forum.

Just simply that 2 downloads are shown in India, both by me in Windows operating system and in Ubuntu operating system as that of Virtual Machine inside that of Windows operating system by making use of Oracle's virtual box.
And that I assume that most of Tamil official language speakers are only in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore for such countries to be shown in download statistics in sourceforge page. Tamil language may not make much of sense outside of these territories, isn't it?

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

13.09.2020 19:24
#50 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #49
Who is Alexlatham96 (not me) who added up Scrabble letter distribution for Tamil Scrabble on Wikipedia page (just today!)? Anyone from here simply?
I want to talk with you. Can you please register in this forum and talk with me? If you are a Tamilian, will you be interested in trying out an online game with me on 21×21 board with 220 tiles, may be to start up with?

I think you should contact Alexlatham96 directly
on User talk:Alexlatham96,
because even if it is probable it is not sure that he
really will read everything here in Scrabble3D forum.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

30.11.2020 17:46
#51 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Scotty: Just like the Portuguese dictionary is split into two: European version and Brazilian version, may I suggest that Tamil dictionary also be split into two, an easier version and a harder version?

The older version of Tamil dictionary, tamil.dic, just rename its English name to 'Tamil easy' and local name to 'தமிழ் சுலபம்'.
Get tamizh.dic from Keep its English name to 'Tamil hard' and local name to 'தமிழ் கடினம்'.
The harder version can be fit for people who love difficult challenges, diverse letter set and for best results need 20 tiles in rack at any one time.
I cannot reduce it from 1000 tiles pre-defined in the letter set in the dictionary. Some difficult to play letters have been assigned points in range from 11 to 20 and some of them need some specific letters to combine with.
Doing that also makes the computer players as opponents to take such letters seriously depending upon the frequency and combination with other specific letters and playing them immediately when opportunity comes when such tiles do land on the player's racks with.

The harder version combines letters like ஔ, ா, ெ, ே, ை, ொ, ோ and ௌ into one single tile, the way how Tamil is actually to be played.
This version is the extensive use of Tamil digraphs and trigraphs, but not actually to be said digraphs and trigraphs as they are single Tamil letter.
The easier version splits some of the rarely used and difficult to play Tamil letters into two or three tiles which are good for beginners.
I will later attach screenshots over hereby of all my played games, both with easier version and harder version.

I will do an update to the 'Tamil hard' dictionary version once again in a week or two. This will be to revise and finalize with letter distribution and points of letters once again.
I will change all the tile letters to Unicode font (people won't need to download the Valluvan font as in 'Tamil easy' dictionary in which ா, ெ, ே and ை tiles will not be nice if they are represented by the Unicode font).
I will also consider including all Tamil loanwords that are borrowed from Sanskrit containing the letter ஶ which does not exist in the Valluvan font and so words containing ஶ have been dropped from the 'Tamil easy' dictionary.
ஶ has been dropped from some words containing it in Tamil Lexicon dictionary, so it is to be revised from the pronounciations in the meanings in which š sound is included.
In any case that ச is a good substitute letter for most of the Tamil loanwords that are borrowed from Sanskrit containing the letter ஶ and that letter is too rarely used to be included in any tiles but only to appear randomly if anyone were to ever include with 10 random tiles in each played game, unlike the other Tamil loanwords that are borrowed from Sanskrit containing the other Sanskrit letters of ஸ, ஜ, ஷ and ஹ.
க்ஷ = க் + ஷ and ஶ்ரீ = ஶ் + ரீ. ஶ்ரீ is supported by the Valluvan font and words containing them have not been dropped from the 'Tamil easy' dictionary although most of them are not regular Tamil words but rather names of persons and names of places which are too hard for me to drop them from the dictionary, so that I have decided to have them in the 'Tamil easy' dictionary and 'Tamil hard' dictionary.
Names of days of the week and names of months of the year are much better to be kept in the Scrabble dictionaries than names of persons and names of places although official Scrabble dictionaries that are published in languages that make use of the Latin Script alphabets do drop with them altogether.

Thank you.

By the way that one single dictionary with two different categories cannot be used to play with both easier version and harder version because they make use of completely different letter sets as you can see by yourself if you were ever to open that dictionary.
For example, if anyone were to ever include with 10 random tiles in each played game, the choice of easier version or harder version should entirely and strictly depend upon player's tastes.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

01.12.2020 08:19
#52 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman
'Tamil easy' and 'Tamil hard'

I would rather introduce a category aka filter. We have this for German where the standard set is limited and users can add another bunch of words from other sources pretty easy.

Download: Sourceforge | Help:Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook | IRC: Freenode #scrabble3d

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

01.12.2020 10:01
#53 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Then, why can't a single Portuguese dictionary exist with a category (also known as filter) to choose between European version or Brazilian version instead of 2 separate ones?

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #52
I would rather introduce a category aka filter. We have this for German where the standard set is limited and users can add another bunch of words from other sources pretty easy.

Categories (also known as filters) can be introduced when tile sets are going to be the same.
'Tamil easy' and 'Tamil hard' will use different tile sets. There are set of tiles that are common to both 'Tamil easy' and 'Tamil hard', there are set of tiles that are unique to 'Tamil easy' and should not interfere with 'Tamil hard' and there are set of tiles that are unique to 'Tamil hard' and should not interfere with 'Tamil easy'.
That interference should not occur when assigning letter to blank tiles and generating randomly 10 tiles for each played game. க can be used for க, கா, கெ, கே, கை, கொ, கோ and கௌ in 'Tamil easy' as ா, ெ, ே, ை and ள have separate tiles of their own but க can only be used for க in 'Tamil hard' as other letters have separate tiles of their own.
Do you think that it is still possible to use category (also known as filter) if the tile sets in the 2 dictionaries are different from each other?

If a new category (also known as filter) is introduced in a single Tamil dictionary for the easier version and the harder version, is it possible to define 2 independent tile sets for both the versions which is not supposed to interfere with the other tile set?

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

02.12.2020 08:22
#54 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Sure, if the intersection of both is too small combining them makes not much sense. Guess you are the expert for your language here :-)

Download: Sourceforge | Help:Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook | IRC: Freenode #scrabble3d

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

02.03.2021 08:49
#55 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

I would like to do an update to the Tamil dictionary, so that players can switch between easy version or difficult version.

Let us do it tomorrow, but I would like to ask you a few questions about it before doing that update:
(1) The two versions have different letter sets. What is your preferred way to do it?
Can I have two different categories in the same dictionary or can I have two different dictionaries with different letter sets?

(2) If I use two different categories in the same dictionary, then is it possible to define two different letter sets for the different categories in the same dictionary?
Or at least an option to comment the secondary letter set instructing the players to uncomment the secondary letter set and comment the primary letter set whenever they want to play with the secondary letter set?

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

03.03.2021 07:58
#56 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #55
(1) The two versions have different letter sets. What is your preferred way to do it?

Add the letter set to the dictionary. For example, Math looks like this:
Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #55
Can I have two different categories in the same dictionary or can I have two different dictionaries with different letter sets?

Both is possible.
Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #55
(2) If I use two different categories in the same dictionary, then is it possible to define two different letter sets for the different categories in the same dictionary?

No, the idea of categories is to temporarily disable some entries. To stay with the Math example:
Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #55
Or at least an option to comment the secondary letter set instructing the players to uncomment the secondary letter set and comment the primary letter set whenever they want to play with the secondary letter set?

You can add any comment to the dictionary. A section [Alternative_Categories] would just be ignored.

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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

05.03.2021 21:29
#57 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Please update the Tamil dictionary in whatever way you want (either of these two ways).

(1) Single Tamil dictionary (தமிழ்) with two different categories, containing 36664 words common to both categories and 79784 words specific to easy version (without digraph tiles and trigraph tiles) and 79784 words specific to difficult version (with digraph tiles and trigraph tiles).

(2) Two different Tamil dictionaries, Tamil easy (தமிழ் சுலபம்) and Tamil hard (தமிழ் கடினம்). In this case, please replace pre-existing tamil.dic by tamil_easy.dic (a newly updated version), after renaming tamil.dic to tamil_easy.dic in the version.config, version.ini and list of dictionaries in SourceForge.

Thank you.

easy = open('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Scrabble3D\\tamil\\tamil\\tamil_easy.dic', 'r')
hard = open('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Scrabble3D\\tamil\\tamil\\tamil_hard.dic', 'r')
for i in range(7):
s = easy.readline()
print s[:-1]
t = hard.readline()
letter1 = []
letter2 = []
for j in range(3):
u = easy.readline()
v = hard.readline()
print letter2[0] + ',\xc3\xb4,\xc3\xb9,\xc3\xba,\xc3\xbb'
print letter2[1] + ',1,1,1,1'
print letter2[2] + ',0,0,0,0'
for k in range(40):
w = easy.readline()
for l in range(202):
x = hard.readline()
if l < 200:
print x[:-1]
print '[Categories]'
print '1=Easy version'
print '2=Difficult version'
print '[Alternative_Categories]'
for thing in letter2:
print thing
for item in letter1:
print item
print '[Words]'
c = {}
d = {}
while True:
y = easy.readline()
if len(y) == 0:
p = y.find('=')
c[y[:p]] = y[p+1:-1]
while True:
z = hard.readline()
if len(z) == 0:
q = z.find('=')
d[z[:q]] = z[q+1:-1]
a = set(c.keys())
b = set(d.keys())
f = a.intersection(b)
g = a.difference(b)
h = b.difference(a)
for e in f:
print e + '=' + d[e]
for o in g:
print o + '=' + c[o] + ';1'
for r in h:
print r + '=' + d[r] + ';2'

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.790

06.03.2021 09:37
#58 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #57
Please update the Tamil dictionary in whatever way you want (either of these two ways).

Think the comprehensive approach with categories fits better the program idea although the dictionary is quite large. Uploaded the new version.

Download: Sourceforge | Help:Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook | IRC: Freenode #scrabble3d

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

06.03.2021 10:28
#59 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag Dictionary
Tamil dictionary was updated to v1.0.3 and has now a category for difficult words. Kudos @Raman

You cannot quite call them 'difficult words'. It is 'difficult version' making use of digraph tiles and trigraph tiles with as much as 313 distinct tiles in which most of the digraph tiles and trigraph tiles are rarely used than in 'easy version' and are difficult to play than in 'easy version'.
This is how actually Tamil Scrabble is to be played, but for beginners, it is quite good to start with 'easy version' with only 113 distinct tiles without making use of any of digraph tiles and trigraph tiles.
The 'easy version' separates out all occurrences of ா, ெ, ே and ை. However that in the hybrid Tamil dictionary with two different categories for 'easy version' and 'difficult version', players can play a mix of both versions if they want to do so with.
For beginners, 'easy version' can be played with 20 tiles in rack and so 'difficult version' also. For experienced players, however 'easy version' can be played with 15 tiles in rack or even something that is lesser than that.

[Left side] Easy version
[Right side] Difficult version
More previews of my Tamil Scrabble games to follow up later on.

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #56
You can add any comment to the dictionary. A section [Alternative_Categories] would just be ignored.

By the way, I did not have time to look into this yesterday. You said that [Alternative_Categories] would just be ignored, but why the lines in them are showing along with the two categories 'Easy version' and 'Difficult version' long and filling the entire screen line?
Please change that section to comment if possible, otherwise just remove that section from the dictionary completely. Anyone who wants a letter set for 'Easy version' can take it from this forum and it is not a requirement for that thing to be present in the dictionary data if they show untidily in the categories section.

Please update to version 1.0.4 of Tamil dictionary removing the [Alternative_Categories] section completely if commenting that is not possible. My preferred method would be to comment it.
Lines in [Alternative_Categories] do not have any numbers followed by '=' to carry on with those numbers in any of the dictionary words.

Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag #58
Think the comprehensive approach with categories fits better the program idea although the dictionary is quite large. Uploaded the new version.

The total number of words in dictionary is right now 196232, much lesser than CSW2019 (International / United Kingdom) English Scrabble dictionary of 279496 words.
The long definition of each of the dictionary words and multiple definitions in case of some of the dictionary words make the Tamil Scrabble dictionary that I provided you for uploading to SourceForge large, although 79784 words are redundant which are not among the 36664 words that are common to both of the two different categories, 'Easy version' and 'Difficult version'.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

07.03.2021 09:20
#60 RE: Tamil Scrabble Zitat · Antworten

The lines that are defined in [Alternative_Categories] section in Tamil dictionary appear along with two categories 'Easy version' and 'Difficult version' and they can be confusing to players whoever make use of Tamil dictionary.
Is it possible to define a secondary letter set for the Tamil dictionary instead of [Alternative_Categories] section?

Or just comment out those lines without the need to remove them off completely?
If it is really necessary, then I will provide a version 1.0.4 of the Tamil dictionary tomorrow which can avoid all of those issues that can be uploaded into SourceForge.

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