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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

07.08.2020 15:09
#31 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Up to you - that's okay for me.

Regarding Chess and so on, I thought that maybe you wanted to talk more about those games as well, because of your post #18. And for such topics our café section would be suitable.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

13.08.2020 16:53
#32 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #28
Once the payment of Premium Tariff for this forum to Xobor forums got discontinued, all attached images to any post in this forum which used to appear small and not much of space occupying at the bottom of the post now appears big and much of space occupying at the top of the post.
I am not sure whether the same type of thing appears to you or not. Awaiting feedback from you regarding the appearence to you of this post. I am not sure whether it is due to discontinuation of payment of Premium Tariff for this forum to Xobor forums or not.

No, it is not. I removed that manually by editing my post after it had been posted.
All attached images to this post had been automatically linked inline when the post had been made for the first time. May be that it happens for the first time only that happens only when payment of Premium Tariff for this forum to Xobor forums gets discontinued. Only test images have been attached to this posts in this forum.

But anyway if whenever an attached image to any post in this forum is placed inline, it also appears in the bottom of the post in the list of all images that are attached to that post in this forum, that are displayed along with list of all images that are attached to that post in this forum that are not placed inline.
It does not disappear from there, at all.

Never mind that attached images to any post in Xobor forum software from website page if they are in comfortably and in bulk uploaded there directly and placed inline, then automatically code is embedded at the top of the post or where the cursor was at the time of attaching the image in the draft message of the post. It can be removed manually.
I just simply noted about that right now.

That is nothing due to stopping of payment of Premium Tariff to Xobor forum software.

I am not sure about the another forum software, whether in Germany or in abroad somewhere else and elsewhere. Any forum by making use of Xobor forum software supports only for uploading of images and attach them to any post in that forum and it would be the decision of message poster whether to link them inline or not, if in any case that for some of them or for all of them.
Usually any attached image to a post in any forum making use of Xobor forum software through is always also displayed and shown at the bottom of that post in that forum too. And I wonder that if whether in any case that they would disappear from over thereby if they are linked inline and that and I wonder that if whether in any case that they would not disappear from over thereby if they are not linked inline.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

20.10.2020 21:45
#33 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

Although I do not want to get involved in forum donations, just curious about it simply, the banner at the bottom of the page says that 14% of 144€ has been raised so far.
I would like to know who donated it which might be essentially of no use in a forum with very few active members? And what happens if the 100% target is reached only near the end of the year, namely 2020-21?
Will it be used for the Premium Tariff fees for this forum for the small portion of the remaining year, namely 2020-21 or will it be carried forward to be used wisely for the next subsequent year fully, namely 2021-22?

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

21.10.2020 07:35
#34 RE: Discussions about forum donations Zitat · Antworten

20 € is not even enough for two months with the Profi tariff.
I have no idea what to do. I think it's too early to book the tariff now.
Scotty may decide what to do.

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