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Dieses Thema hat 3 Antworten
und wurde 882 mal aufgerufen
Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.780

02.09.2011 17:38
Online manual (Wiki) Zitat · Antworten

I reactivated user access to the wiki. After creating an account it has to be confirmed by email to avoid spam. Unless this procedure you want be able to edit or create pages.

For those who want to help on the manual (what I would greatly appreciate):
Each page has an English name (Main_Page) with an optional extension for translation (Main_Page/de).
Somewhere the template {{Languages|Main_Page}} should be placed, the right part is always the English name, e.g. {{Languages|Usage:Network}}.
A category should be specified [[Category:deutsch]][[Category:Usage/de]] at the bottom of the page to make all information available in the overview. Categories are at the moment: Configuration, Network, Rules, Usage.
Please have a look at the other pages for a unique look and feel.

Download: | Help:Scrabble3D Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.780

08.09.2011 19:20
#2 RE: Online manual (Wiki) Zitat · Antworten

Every day at least one spam posting. That's annoying! Therefore I close registration again.

Download: | Help:Scrabble3D Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.780

08.01.2012 17:01
#3 RE: Online manual (Wiki) Zitat · Antworten

Irish language (Gaeilge) is beeing added to the wiki.

Download: | Help:Scrabble3D Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.780

05.05.2012 16:07
#4 RE: Online manual (Wiki) Zitat · Antworten

I prepared the Wiki feature on with the advantage of much faster access compared to the current solution. The main page has been transferred but the remaining content will take some time. Particularly, because it needs to get updated.
If you want to participate in the project the Wiki is a good starting point. Either translate pages to your own language or add stuff. You need to register with for write access, which is as easy as everywhere. And, of course, it's free of any charge.

Download: | Help:Scrabble3D Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook

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