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Dieses Thema hat 16 Antworten
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Gero Offline

Beiträge: 2.773

22.12.2011 10:50
#16 RE: romanian.lang Zitat · Antworten

no need for excuses!

we´re just happy you help us completing our translations!

Merry Christmas from Germany to you and your family!


Download: Geros Superdic, was sonst! | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | ... und im übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass Wordfinder beim online-Spiel pfui sind!

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

24.12.2011 21:55
#17 RE: romanian.lang Zitat · Antworten

Dear playez!

You are very welcome back to our forum!
I understand you, computer problems may need some time sometimes...
I hope you feel comfortable with your Ubuntu now! And be happy: our beloved Scrabble3D runs in Linux, too!

Zitat von Bussinchen
My aim is now to compare my own english.lang, french-, italian-, spanish- and swedish.lang with akerbeltzalba's english.lang and Scotty's german.lang, in order to get more or less identical phrases in each language file.

Anyway: I equally have not finished that work yet...

Bye, CU


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