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Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.787

30.01.2012 17:54
#16 RE: Slovakian dictionary Zitat · Antworten

With the actual method the maintainer of any file could be part of the project at, theorectically. After an update only the file "version.ini" needs to be changed according to the release. But I'm afraid there are a lot of pitfalls.

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jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

12.05.2012 20:07
#17 RE: Slovakian dictionary Zitat · Antworten

a new dictionary version attached with a few fixed words. cheers, jose

edit: seems i don't have permissions to upload :-/

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

12.05.2012 20:23
#18 RE: Slovakian dictionary Zitat · Antworten

Please, send it to Scotty by email, José.

In this forum you cannot attach files with dic or lang extensions unless zipped.
But: Please be aware that the auto-updater of Scrabble3D will not work in the future, if the users haven't downloaded it from from the beginning.

"Private files" will not be recognized by the auto-updater.

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SVK-player ( Gast )

09.04.2013 10:00
#19 RE: Slovakian dictionary Zitat · Antworten

Bussinchen, names of towns/villages are not of course valid in Slovakia for scrabble as well, similarly as in other languages. It is rather strange that Jose made such a rough mistake in his interpretation of Slovak permitted words. In page "", under part permitted words is also part "časť Názvy obcí na Slovensku" (part "Names of town/villages in Slovakia), but only adjectives derived from these names are allowed, as they are written with small initial letters. E.g., adjective from the word - city "Prešov" is "prešovský". teh latter is valid for scrabble. A rule about non-acceptance of any name with big initial letter is specified in session "Non-permitted words" under paragaraph 4.2., where is a mention about allowance of derived words (adjectives) from geographical names.

jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

09.04.2013 10:18
#20 RE: Slovakian dictionary Zitat · Antworten

damn, you're right. i terribly misread that rules section. you want to fix that or should i do that (hopefully will find some time this weekend)? anyway it's great to see a user from slovakia here finally. jose

SVK-player Offline

Beiträge: 2

09.04.2013 10:31
#21 RE: Slovakian dictionary Zitat · Antworten

it is ok, thanks for acceptance, you are not likely from Slovakia, thus I am aware it is not easy to interpret Slovak rules if Slovak is not your maternity language. Anyway, adjectives derived from gepgraphical names are very rarely used in reality in scrabble games, as they are only few such words composed of smaller number of letters (e.g., tiský,-á, -é, veský, vlcký - derived from river TISA, villges VES, VLKY..). Most of adjective words contain at least 8 and more words.

jose1711 Offline

Beiträge: 41

09.04.2013 10:43
#22 RE: Slovakian dictionary Zitat · Antworten

despite the nickname i am slovak (which makes my mistake even more embarassing). i am wondering how to fix that.. probably will do dump from openstreetmap data (cities, villages) and subtract those from the current db.

SVK-player Offline

Beiträge: 2

09.04.2013 11:16
#23 RE: Slovakian dictionary Zitat · Antworten

sorry I have made mistake in previous message - most of adjectives from geographical names contain at least 8 and more letters, and not words, of course. Jose, nothing happened, such things may happen.

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