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Dieses Thema hat 5 Antworten
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keith Offline

Beiträge: 3

24.02.2014 23:37
Dictionary Hanging Zitat · Antworten

this is my first post. Ive just installed Scrabble3D. Unfortunately it hangs on installing the english dictionary it seems to be the same for the American Dictionary as well. Would appreciate some guidence. Thanks

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.780

25.02.2014 00:02
#2 RE: Dictionary Hanging Zitat · Antworten

What does "hang" mean? Download should be done in background. And do you talk about the assistant, ie. the first dialog where you chose default settings, or is it the config dialog? What happens when you try again?

PS: What version do you use? I updated recently to v3.1.1 which might result in issues for older versions.

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keith Offline

Beiträge: 3

25.02.2014 00:45
#3 RE: Dictionary Hanging Zitat · Antworten

Hanging means stuck in same position.
Thanks for your help, my fault i had not set up config properly. Regards Keith

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.780

25.02.2014 01:16
#4 RE: Dictionary Hanging Zitat · Antworten

Well, I understand what you mean with 'hang' aka stuck. The question is what dialog, what OS, which program version etc. However, please try again. The progress shown at the bottom panel indicates how much bytes you got from I just double checked that it works, and it did. You can either run the assistant and select the dic there, or you load the file from the configuration dialog.
If you have trouble with your network provider you might download the file manually. Extract it to the config path that depends on your OS. To find it, select advanced mode in config dialog, go to the last entry 'network', and click the button right of config directory. The content of the downloaded zip file should be extracted to this directory. But I recommend to try the inbuilt downloader (which runs all these steps automatically).

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keith Offline

Beiträge: 3

25.02.2014 14:42
#5 RE: Dictionary Hanging Zitat · Antworten

Many thanks for your help.
All working. Regards Keith

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.780

25.02.2014 15:48
#6 RE: Dictionary Hanging Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von keith im Beitrag #5
All working.
Great! (I always panic when of packaging new releases.)
Have fun with the game.

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