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 Bugreports & Suggestions
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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

28.05.2020 14:05
#31 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

All of possible available maths operators are represented in this one single player played game over Scrabble3D application network.


Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

28.05.2020 20:37
#32 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

I am trying off to figure out optimal tile distribution for maths equations Scrabble for 200 tiles on a 21×21 board.

Tile Count Value
----- ----- -----
⁼ 36 1
0 12 3
1 14 2
2 14 2
3 13 3
4 13 3
5 12 4
6 12 4
7 11 5
8 11 4
9 11 5
+ 7 6
− 7 6
× 7 6
÷ 7 7
√ 3 7
^ 1 9
! 1 10
. 1 8
² 1 8
³ 1 9
∜ 1 10
Blank 4 0

Some people might want to have two ^, two ² or two . but there are plenty of possible small maths equations with +, −, × and ÷ while powers grow too quickly, so short maths equations with them are limited.
If we have more of them, the same maths equation gets repeatedly formed again and again. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if it is wrong.

In my humble opinion, with this tile distribution, all numbers were pushed away, but few operators stagnated on player's racks. So, in my humble opinion, it might be better to have 5 to 7 extra numbers and 1 to 2 less operators and ⁼.
Larger board size means there is furthermore space to encourage players to form longer maths equations with larger numbers. Well, let me know very well about this type of thing around, just simply, indeed really. Rather than instead of, within into upon upto.

Why do add images to gallery link disappear when forum users try out to attach files of another format? Forum users need to come back to edit posts in order to be able to get link to add images to gallery again?
Does the same thing happen when forum users try out to add images to gallery first and then try out to attach files of another format?|addpics|ubb-1o-17bf.png-invaddpicsinvv|/addpics|

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

28.05.2020 23:17
#33 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Only short and fundamental equations or there in maths equations language dictionary math.dic along with some other rare maths equations with 2 operators and 2 =. Equations like 3² + 4² = 5², 7! + 1 = 71², √3249 = 58 - 1 are absent.

Maths equations are infinite in number, even the short ones cannot be easily listed exhaustively. So are perfect squares, perfect cubes, prime numbers, triangular numbers, etc. Although that this is not an issue for other language dictionaries at all in which all of possible and available words can be listed exhaustively, whatever that ever.

If a player places a word which is not in the language dictionary at all, then Scrabble3D application will prompt that placed word is not in language dictionary. Do you want to accept it anyway? If no response is given after 30 seconds, then Scrabble3D application will automatically close the alert dialog box without accepting the played move and giving the player another chance to play a valid word which is actually present in language dictionary. It will not automatically accept the placed word in any case under such circumstances at all. Isn't it?

Well, let me know very well about this type of thing around, just simply, indeed really. Rather than instead of, within into upon upto.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if it is wrong.

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

01.06.2020 11:18
#34 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Just a few questions / suggestions:
You might consider adding some of these features also, if you ever wanted to work out upon next release of Scrabble3D application later on.
I have played Scrabble on square (and cube) board. Rectangular (and cuboid) board, for example 15 × 21 are not supported by Scrabble3D application, isn't it?

With single / double / triple / quadruple word scores, it is possible to simulate (2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18...) timer for 8 letter word. For a board size like 45 × 45 with 1000 tiles, it would be good to have 5 timers, 6 timers, 7 timers, 8 timers, 9 timers, 10 timers, etc. or even manually specifying the multiple of letter score, word score and letter score malus.
Word score malus is not included because the net total if that feature existed of any placed word will always be negative? And if the total points count comes out to be negative count, then score displayed for that move will always be 0 only, isn't it?

If board size is even, then if I keep start squares on all of 4 central squares, then they will all be double word score only? There could be a feature that could be implemented for the designer to choose what premium square (or not) the central start square corresponds to. And avoiding giving away the starting person a 4 timer in the first move if that player covers 2 double word score start squares in the first move.
This is just my suggestion only, the board of even size is symmetric and exactly one of them could be marked to be as a double word score start square in any way.
Board of even size is made use of in Upwords, with 4 central start squares but no premium squares over thereby, just simply the height of the placed tile matters mainly for the score of the placed tiles. I have mentioned all of other details about that Upwords played game earlier in this thread, in this forum, in my post number 7.
It would be good for you to try out this mobile app to get an idea about it. It would be worthwhile for you to know about it, just simply in case you do not know about it.

Yesterday I tried out with my first played game over network connection.
Is it possible to delete saved games played on server or not?
Is there any limit on amount of time for which saved games played on server will remain there or will they remain there permanently? If they will be saved only for a finite amount of time, then how long will that be?

Just another general issue, both for online play and offline play. Board can get rotated if clicked on the board for placing tiles.
If the board rotates to the extreme, perpendicular to 2D flat view, then it is not possible to bring it back to 2D flat view. Player playing the game needs to close the network connection or even exit out of the program and then need to load online played game or offline played game again. From all of other angles in which board is rotated, it is possible to bring board back to 2D flat view.
Board can get rotated if clicked on the board for placing tiles and board zooms in and zooms out if mouse scroll done on board. Move traversal will be done for mouse scrolling done on game course and older chat will fill in edit text of chat box destroying a player's current typing if up arrow or down arrow are pressed while focus is on typing on edit text of chat box.|addpics|ubb-1p-d837.png-invaddpicsinvv|/addpics|

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

01.06.2020 13:19
#35 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Spot the bingo in this board position.
These are good puzzles to give to people who are interested in scrabble with mathematical equations.
I would not post anything furthermore about things that are not related to conventional English Scrabble in the KSSA main group since majority of subscribed players are not interested in it.
But you had shown interest in them before itself.
(My previously sent images and posted messages to you contain information and details about all of these types of solutions, I believe in them so).

My attached file in previous post number 34 in this thread in this forum contains with 3 python scripts. to remove the header information and definitions from .dic files and generate a new filtered (language and) dictionary file that contains with plain pure list of words only.

file = open("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Scrabble3D\\cmu_pronouncing.dic", "r")
for i in range(17):
s = file.readline()
for line in file:
l = line.split("=")
print l[0]
file.close() to count the occurrence of each letter in the newly generated filtered (language and) dictionary file for words ≤ 8 letters (as expressed as a percentage count).

file = open("phonetic.dic", "r")
d = {}
total = 0
for line in file:
if len(line) <= 9:
for letter in line[:-1]:
total += 1
if letter in d:
d[letter] += 1
d[letter] = 1
for (key, value) in d.items():
print key, (value * 100.0) / total
file.close() scrabble helper and word finder that provides a list of all of words in the newly generated filtered (language and) dictionary file in which set of all of its letters are subset of letters given as input, may be for tiles from rack with zero or one letter extra.

atoi = {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2, 'd':3, 'e':4, 'f':5, 'g':6, 'h':7, 'i':8, 'j':9, 'k':10, 'l':11, 'm':12, 'n':13, 'o':14, 'p':15, 'r':16, 's':17, 't':18, 'u':19, 'v':20, 'w':21, 'x':22, 'y':23, 'z':24, 'A':25, 'D':26, 'E':27, 'I':28, 'J':29, 'N':30, 'O':31, 'R':32, 'S':33, 'T':34, 'U':35, 'W':36, 'Y':37, 'Z':38}
def subset(a, b):
m = [0] * 39
n = [0] * 39
for c in a:
m[atoi[c]] += 1
for d in b:
n[atoi[d]] += 1
ans = True
for l in range(len(m)):
if m[l] > n[l]:
ans = False
return ans
file = open("phonetic.dic", "r")
for line in file:
letter = line[:-1]
if len(letter) >= 2 and subset(letter, 'zRvEsiZ'):
print letter


Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.787

02.06.2020 10:46
#36 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #34
Is it possible to delete saved games played on server or not?
Is there any limit on amount of time for which saved games played on server will remain there or will they remain there permanently? If they will be saved only for a finite amount of time, then how long will that be?

You cannot delete games played on the server. They will be archived after 14d on this server- if you run your own you can configure this.

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #34
...bring board back to 2D flat view.

Configuration > Design > 2D View = Standard Graphics should also do the trick. And the sliders below of course as well.

Download: Sourceforge | Help:Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook | IRC: Freenode #scrabble3d

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

16.06.2020 16:54
#37 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Please clarify my doubts about Scrabble3D application:
(1) A: 85, B: 23, C: 36, D: 41, E: 117, F: 17, G: 30, H: 25, I: 82, J: 6, K: 15, L: 54, M: 29, N: 58, O: 62, P: 29, Q: 4, R: 67, S: 67, T: 57, U: 39, V: 12, W: 13, X: 7, Y: 18, Z: 7
In Scrabble3D application, is it possible to pick up 100 tiles at random from the above 1000 tiles for a 15×15 board? If so, how is it possible to do that?
I don't want to have, for example, 90 predefined tiles in the letter set and 10 tiles chosen at random. I want the entire tile set to be chosen at random, and if the entire letter set is defined as 0 tiles each and 100 random tiles, then will the random letter set respect the above letter frequency? If is it possible to make the random letter set to respect the above letter frequency, how is it possible to do that? It seems that Scrabble3D application does not allow more than 100 random tiles per game even if anyone is playing on a 45×45 board with a 1000 tile set.
(2) If random tiles are used, then will the random tiles be decided at the start of the game or during the turn when the random tiles are got by the players? Will the random tiles chosen and ultimate tile distribution be known to the players at the start of the game, so that the players can plan their endgame strategy based upon their knowledge of tiles left at end of game?
Putting this question in another way, if the random tile is swapped, then when it comes again into one of the player's rack, will it come as the same letter or as some other letter?
(3) Every saved game is saved with a random seed. My 3D English Scrabble game with 1000 tiles in a 15×15×15 cubic board crashed when 300 tiles were remaining and I closed the Scrabble3D application without saving the game. It was saved when there were 600 tiles remaining. So, if the same sequence of moves are played by me and all of computer players from the save point (at least for one round), then will the same set of tiles will be drawn in the rack or will different set of tiles be drawn in the rack (at least during the second round)? I mean this during the unsaved run of the played game.
(4) Are letters in Scrabble3D application letter set case sensitive or case insensitive? I mean, if two words Hello and hello are defined in a dictionary, then they will be treated as the same word or as different words? Can upper case H in letter set be used for lower case h in dictionary? Can lower case h in letter set be used for upper case H in dictionary? What about the accented characters, for example, É and é, are they also case sensitive?
I tried out simulating Tamil Scrabble in Scrabble3D application and since it has at least 152 distinct characters used, I used uppercase A-Z, lowercase a-z, uppercase accented characters, lowercase accented characters and more. I noticed that lowercase L, P and U were getting freely interchanged with their uppercase equivalents.
(5) Games played online with other human players are archived after 14 days. Is it possible to retrieve the archived game back, which disappears from File -> Load Remote Game list after 14 days? If so, how?
If an online game is in progress and if one player does not take his / her turn for 14 days, will he / she lose on time and will it be archived (if played with no time limit restrictions at all)? Or will an online game will be archived after 14 days only after the game has been completed?
(6) In an online game, if any one player plays a word that is not in the dictionary, then all the other opponent players will be asked for validation by a poll if they all agree to the word (if the player placing the word accepts the word for himself / herself). This works fine when all the other opponent players are online.
In Scrabble3D application, it is possible to take turn also when some or all of other opponent players are offline and play games as a correspondence game spanning over several days. If some of the opponent players are offline, then validation will be asked only for players who are online at the moment or validation will be awaited until all opponent players come online? Putting this question in another way, in a two player online game, if the other player is offline, then validation of a word played not in dictionary will be asked only for that one single player who places that word?
In an online game, when one or more of the other opponent players are online, then if one player disconnects from network and logs in again to the network and joins the remote game which is in progress, then this player is shown to be in a different game from the remaining players playing the same game in the server, although they are all playing the same game only in the server. In this case, if one player invites another player to their played game, then they can also be able to join it. So, in this case, if one player makes a move that is not in the dictionary, then after validation by the player making the move, will it ask for validation by other opponent players by poll whoever are all online whoever are shown to be in a different played game in the server?
(7) If an online game is started with a custom dictionary that does not come with inbuilt Scrabble3D application pack (for example CSW2019, the latest version of UK / International English dictionary), then will that dictionary be uploaded to the server and made usable or downloaded for all the opponent players whoever have been invited to that played game?
(8) [No need to answer this question - everything is explained clearly in Scrabble3D Wiki pages] What are the differences between Takeback, Poll and Challenge word check modes?

Less important questions:
(9) If duplicate words are defined in a dictionary with different meanings and categories, then what meaning and category will be shown in tooltip text of that placed word in a Scrabble board if mouse is hovered over it? First definition, second definition or both definitions separated by a comma or what? If the same duplicate word is defined in two different categories in dictionary, then will that word be eliminated from play in a game only if both those categories have been unchecked and not even when zero or one of those two categories have been unchecked?
(10) Consider a 45×45 board played with 1000 tiles. With the mouse or with the distance slider in 2D view perspective category, it is possible to zoom in the board to the centre. Is it not possible to zoom in to the other parts of the board?
With the translation slider, it is possible to move the board up and down, although extreme zooming in of topmost or bottommost parts of the board might not be possible at all. Is it possible to zoom in to the leftmost or rightmost parts of the board? If so, how?
(11) To check whether a letter set or number of tiles in rack is flexible enough for a dictionary, demo can be run. Demo is always run with 4 computer players and whenever a demo game is completed, a new game is started automatically only after destroying all data from the completed game. Demo game data is also destroyed whenever the demo is stopped and during a demo many menu items are disabled from access.
Is it possible to save a demo game when it is completed? If so, how? Can a demo be simulated with less than 4 computer players only? If so, how?
(12) A local copy can be saved for an online game when it is completed and when it remains in the File -> Load Remote Game list for 14 days after the game is completed. Is it possible to store local copies of online games when they are in progress? If so, how?
(13) For online games, best move option will be enabled only after the game is completed and not when the game is in progress, isn't it? Best move option is useful at the end of the game to check out if any valid moves exist to push away as many tiles as possible to score more points and to reduce penalty from left over tiles in the rack.
(14) For offline games, best move option will be enabled only when all the opponent players are computer players and not whenever even one opponent player is a human player, isn't it?|addpics|ubb-1s-6e3a.png,ubb-1t-4ec1.png,ubb-1u-4e86.png|/addpics|

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

16.06.2020 18:12
#38 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Questions that I have missed to ask in my previous post (and my edit time of 1 hour has expired for that post and as a non-administrator of this forum, I cannot edit that post of mine any furthermore at all, isn't it?):
(15) Can random tile generated be a blank also? Or that it can be only one from among the other letters that are defined in the letter set? If the random tile generated is a blank, then its value can always be zero only or that it can be non-zero also? If it can be non-zero, then what are the range of the possible values that it can take with?

Other issues / bugs in Scrabble3D application:
(16) For online play, how can I set the country and city in my server account profile? No need to answer this question - I have figured this out by myself. So, I am listing this out as an issue / bug instead of as a question.
In Windows 10 operating system of this version (may be that it is also applicable for some of other operating systems as well, I can confirm it only when I test out Scrabble3D application with all operating systems that I do not have access to right now), when players try to log in to the network, the country and city fields get disappeared at the bottom of the log in page and may be a small portion of the Country and City text are visible in it from which I figured it out. The page is not also scrollable horizontally with mouse or keyboard and so those fields can only be filled with the keyboard by using Tab key to switch over the filling cursor to the next text box. What operating system are you using and how does that page fair in the operating system which you are using? If possible, can you post here a screenshot of that page from your side so that I can get a better idea about whether the same problem also exists for you or not?

(17) For online play, for the total number of played games by a player, if one player disconnects from network and logs in again to the network and joins the remote game which is in progress, then one extra game is recorded as played. I think that I played only 2 online games but the game count is showing as 3 because I disconnected and connected again an online game when it was in progress.
(18) In an online game, when one or more of the other opponent players are online, then if one player disconnects from network and logs in again to the network and joins the remote game which is in progress, then this player is shown to be in a different game from the remaining players playing the same game in the server, although they are all playing the same game only in the server.
In this case, if one player invites another player to their played game, then they can also be able to join it. So, in this case, if one player makes a move if he / she is shown to be in a different played game in the server (whether he / she invites another player to their played game or not), then will that move get reflected for other players also whoever are shown to be in a different played game in the server? If that one player makes a move that is not in the dictionary, then after validation by the player making the move, will it ask for validation by other opponent players by poll whoever are all online whoever are shown to be in a different played game in the server?
(19) If blank is used for a letter that has zero points in the letter set, then star (or whatever symbol is used for joker in settings) is not shown in the tile in the bottom right corner (I doubt whether it is possible to change this place also in settings). For example, the = tile in Scrabble with mathematical equations. Anyway that blank tiles have only zero points always whether it is used for a letter with zero points or not in the letter set, and I also know that it is possible to use a different symbol for random tiles and it is possible to change that also in settings. This can be used to avoid confusion with the predefined count of other tiles in the letter set and can be used to get information about what other tiles are remaining in the bag at the end of the played game, so that the players can plan their endgame strategy based upon their knowledge of tiles left at end of played game. There can be random tiles also left in the bag in such situations and it can be anything to plan the endgame strategy, but the value of the tile will not change from the value of that random letter which is generated, that is defined in the letter set. Isn't it?
(20) In the load dictionaries page of the Scrabble3D application, in the headings 'Native' and 'English' are interchanged. Under the 'Native' heading comes the list of English names for the different languages that are available for use for any games to play there, while under the 'English' heading comes the list of Native names for the different languages that are available for use for any games to play there.

New Feature Suggestions (only if you are interested in this suggestion and only if you have the time and are willing to work out upon a newer version of release of Scrabble3D application during the future period of time later on. Current source code is freely available in sourceforge and can be downloaded and modified by other people. It is currently in Free Pascal, you may be willing to write a newer version of release in C++ so that many other people would know that language also. May be that you alone may consider working out upon a newer version of release or some other contributors might be interested in joining you or not and you may also consider them to join you or not):
(21) There could be an option to have a bonus for different size of words that are played. Small words played can have zero or small bonus, while large words played can have non-zero or large bonus. Whether there are 7 tiles in rack for English Scrabble or 10 tiles in rack for Scrabble with mathematical equations, bingo bonus is applicable strictly only when all of the tiles in the rack are used for play. There can be different bonus for 7 letter words, 8 letter words, 9 letter words and 10 letter words which can be increasing (or not) in number of points. There can also be bonus for less than 7 letter words, which can be different in number depending upon the length of the played word. They can be either zero points or a small number of points that can be changed by using some type of settings option. They can be increasing (or not) in number of points depending upon the length of the played word.|addpics|ubb-1v-bb9f.png-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-1w-f862.png-invaddpicsinvv,ubb-1x-e6e1.png,ubb-1y-3d73.png|/addpics|

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

16.06.2020 20:33
#39 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Questions that I have missed to ask in my previous post (and my edit time of 1 hour has expired for that post and as a non-administrator of this forum, I cannot edit that post of mine any furthermore at all, isn't it?):
(22) For online play, a single rating system is used irrespective of what dictionary is used for the played games. It is not kept separate for different dictionaries used, isn't it?
(23) In an online game against other human opponent players in different computers, or in offline games against other human players in the same computer, the tiles that other human opponent players hold and the tiles other human opponent players have marked for swapping will not be known while the game is in progress. They will be known only after the game has ended, isn't it? The same statement is not true for other computer opponent players, isn't it? By the way that any computer opponent player is only available for play offline and not online.

Other issues / bugs in Scrabble3D application:
(24) While kibitzing an other people's played game online, many of the menu bar features including File -> Load remote game are disabled. They will not be enabled at all even after those played games get completed. I think that this type of thing will not happen at all when I am playing my own game online. It is even possible to load any remote game from the server then.

New Feature Suggestions:
(25) For online play, while loading a remote game stored in the server, the played time that is shown in the Messages menu bar for each played move in the game history is the current time. It would be good if that time shown is the precise time whenever that exact move was actually played.|addpics|ubb-20-75e1.png|/addpics|

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.787

17.06.2020 11:24
#40 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

1: Define the letters A..Z but assign zero to the count. Instead use a large number for randoms. You cannot define the distribution with for example with 75% E and 5% W. All letters will be equally distributed.
2: Random letters are defined at start, exchanging letters will not create a new random.
3: The random seed allows to create the same sequence of (pseudo) random numbers.
4: All characters are converted into uppercase on loading the dictionary.
5a: You are not able to restore archived games, only administrators can.
5b: Untouched games are archived after 14 days (configurable in case you set-up your own server) regardless the game state. There is no automatic continuation or time penalty.
6: Don't remember how it was implemented, why not try it out?
7: Online games check the words with local dictionaries. There is no server-side check.

(Takes too much time now, have to do payed work.)

Download: Sourceforge | Help:Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook | IRC: Freenode #scrabble3d

Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

17.06.2020 15:08
#41 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Thank you for your clarification. You can reply remaining questions at your own pace, whenever you are free. There is no rush at all. Short, one line answers like what you did are enough.
Anyway you have already clarified with my important doubts, the other questions are less important for me with regards to the game. They are mostly about design only and not about game elements at all.

Are you really sure that all the letters in the dictionary get converted into their uppercase equivalents while loading a dictionary? I tried out with a test dictionary with words 21, 12, a1 ... z1, 1a ... 1z (a total of 54 words) and by substituting uppercase letters in letter set for their lowercase equivalents in the dictionary, the words were invalid. Same might hold true for accented characters in the letter set also. You gave a different reply, just I thought that I would clarify with you about that.

(26) What are the possible values that a blank can take? What about that for all of the random tiles? Can it take only all letters defined in letter set or all those used in dictionary words, even including the rare ones? Or is that the set of letters defined in the header information in dictionaries like maths? This is not a requirement field in the header information and not all defined dictionaries in the dictionary folder have it, so I bet that it cannot be that. In the Wikipedia page for letter distribution, if Latin Scrabble, if blank is substituted for rarely used letters not in letter set such as Y it should be worth 10 points, 15 points for Z and 20 points for K. These types of things are not configurable in Scrabble3D application, isn't it, even if you define points in letter set of each tile whether its total predefined count in the game is zero or not, excluding blank and random elements?

(27) In the saved game files, what is the range of values that random seed generated automatically can take? Large values are also valid and works fine, isn't it, although such large values can be defined in the saved game files only manually and they will not be taken up automatically at all?
If it were only a small number, then with the same game configuration and settings, then with O(√N) probability, where N is the upper limit, the same played game can be repeated again by birthday paradox. Although if some player places fewer letters in the same turn, then the game words that are played will be automatically changed. Does that mean that if a player places one lesser tile when compared to another game, then the first tile picked for the next player will match the one with the last tile picked if that current player also places that one more tile in the board only in the current game? But the pseudorandom number sequence can pick up different tiles depending upon the number of tiles remaining in the bag or if extra moves are induced by swapping of tiles. Is what is generated a pseudorandom number sequence with values between 0 and 1 and the tile picked in the bag will be based upon that value with all of the remaining tiles in the bag?
If random seed generates the same sequence of pseudorandom number sequence, then it will not be a problem at all in case of crash to continue the saved game from the save point and the same sequence of moves will only be played, if ever we were to remember the word play sequence and play it, whether it is in short term or long term. The computer opponent players, I believe that, do not play different words in any given board position, given the play strength that define them with, always. I just wanted to clarify with you, not willing to experiment that out with by myself and not get upset in case of a different word play sequence happening as well, with.
Only that this would work out fine enough if the game were saved in such a situation of a crash and only after saving a game, users can always come to know about of the random number element seed that is generated, that is being used for the game, isn't it? For online games, this is out of question, since local copies of games can be saved only after game ends. Games will be anyway saved online in the server and can be restored from the server in case of a crash or situations such as these and may be that administrators may be able to access online game element information for the online games when it is in progress and not ordinary users at all, isn't it?

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.787

18.06.2020 10:34
#42 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

9: If duplicate words are defined in a dictionary: Duplicates will not be accepted, only the first entrance is used
10: Wasn't there a key combination to move, something like alt or ctrl plus pressed mouse?
11: Is it possible to save a demo game: Add an entry under (you likely have to just change false to true)
12: You cannot save running games locally to avoid cheating.
13: Best move calculation is blocked until game end to avoid cheating.
14: See
15: No, blanks are not part of the letter distribution and therefore not added randomly (but randomized regarding the sequence).

(more to come)

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Raman Offline

Beiträge: 167

18.06.2020 18:06
#43 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

(28) Bussinchen thanked my first post in the thread about Tamil Scrabble as my contribution and this forum says that I have received a rating for it.
Just curious, is Bussinchen any of your relation? If so, what relation?
This forum says that I have received a rating for it, but no rating is shown in my account profile information.
Is there anywhere else that I will be able to see it? If so, where will I be able to see it?

Is Bussinchen the administrator or some other type of person whoever manages the installation pack of dictionaries from online that is stored in the server that come along with the Scrabble3D application?


My English phonetic Scrabble letter set, 1000 tiles, to represent every possible letter that is rarely used, 45×45 square board or 15×15×15 cube board:
ɑ₄: 19, ɛ₃: 27, ð₁₀: 2, ɪ₁: 66, dʒ₇: 9, oʊ₄: 16, ŋ₃: 21, ʃ₆: 10, ɝ₂: 39, ʊ₉: 4, θ₈: 4, aʊ₈: 6, ɔɪ₉: 3, ʒ₁₀: 2, ə₁: 73, tʃ₇: 7, b₃: 22, eɪ₄: 19, d₂: 48, ɡ₅: 13, f₄: 19, i₂: 35, h₇: 9, k₂: 44, j₈: 5, m₃: 29, l₁: 54, ɔ₅: 13, n₁: 55, p₂: 31, s₁: 64, r₁: 52, u₆: 11, t₁: 64, w₆: 11, v₅: 14, aɪ₄: 17, æ₃: 25, z₂: 38.

Use diphthongs: Yes.
Allow diphthongs to be combined from two monophthongs: No.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.787

19.06.2020 09:49
#44 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

16: Maybe theming has changed so the controls don't fit into the dialog anymore.
17: Don't remember how it's implemented.
18: Don't get it. No (at least serious) issues have been reported about joining games, IIRC.
19: Don't get it. What is a blank letter? If you talk about jokers it can't be part of the random letters.
20: Args, remember this mistake.
New version: Yes, will be in C++ and Qt.
21: Additional bonus to the bingo sounds not like a good idea to me. Too many options don't improve the game and the reward for placing all letters is well known and enough.


Download: Sourceforge | Help:Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | Fanship: Facebook | IRC: Freenode #scrabble3d

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

19.06.2020 23:22
#45 RE: Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application. Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #43
(28) Bussinchen thanked my first post in the thread about Tamil Scrabble as my contribution and this forum says that I have received a rating for it.
Just curious, is Bussinchen any of your relation? If so, what relation?
This forum says that I have received a rating for it, but no rating is shown in my account profile information.
Is there anywhere else that I will be able to see it? If so, where will I be able to see it?

Is Bussinchen the administrator or some other type of person whoever manages the installation pack of dictionaries from online that is stored in the server that come along with the Scrabble3D application?

I had got involved a lot with Scrabble3D several years ago, especially concerning internationalization of Scrabble3D, but finally I stopped it for certain reasons.
I am a co-admin here in this forum, but nowadays I write postings here very seldom. I am not admin for Scrabble3D.
The credit system showing ratings is not activated in this forum.

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