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 Νέα Ελληνικά - Modern Greek - Neugriechisch
Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

30.05.2011 21:09
Greek letter set (Modern Greek) Zitat · Antworten


Here is the classic (modern) Greek letter set for Scrabble3D (totally 104 tiles):

The modern Greek letter set for Scrabble3D
Blank tiles: 20





Η ελληνική έκδοση έχει 104 γράμματα:

65 γράμματα που παίρνουν 1 πόντο : Α (12), Ε (8), Η (7), Ι (8), Ν (6), Ο (9), Σ (7) και Τ (8)
17 γράμματα που παίρνουν 2 πόντους : Κ (4), Π (4), Ρ (5) και Υ (4)
9 γράμματα που παίρνουν 3 πόντους : Λ (3), Μ (3) και Ω (3)
4 γράμματα που παίρνουν 4 πόντους : Γ (2), και Δ (2)
3 γράμματα που παίρνουν 8 πόντους : Β (1), Φ (1) και Χ (1)
4 γράμματα που παίρνουν 10 πόντους : Ζ (1), Θ (1) , Ξ (1) και Ψ (1)
2 λευκά (χρησιμοποιούνται σαν μπαλαντέρ) που παίρνουν 0 πόντους

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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

30.05.2011 22:23
#2 RE: Greek letter set (Modern Greek) Zitat · Antworten

Here is once more the Greek letter set (modern Greek) in a simplier layout. Now it is easy to copy & paste it into Scrabble3D, as long as Scotty has not implemented it as a default standard set.

Do like this:

Select the whole list from A 12 1 until Ω 3 3, hold down the Ctrl key and press the C key (= use the key combination Ctrl+C).
Open the program Scrabble3D, click on the menu Configuration, chose Settings and then chose the tab Letters in the dialogue that will appear. On the left hand you see some spreadsheet with available letters. Right click on the table - it doesn't matter where - and select Paste in the little context menu (or use the key combination Ctrl+V). Now you have got the Greek letter set into the Scrabble3D letter settings. Above the table you will now see "Special". This is correct, because the Greek letter set has not been implemented in Scrabble3D yet as a standard letter set.

Then you can save these settings as a preset called for example "Greek" (or take another name, whatever you want). Insert the name "Greek" and click on the button Save. That's all.

Later on, if you want to load the Greek letter set automatically, you can simply chose the Greek preset in the pulldown menu.

Α 12 1 Β 1 8 Γ 2 4 Δ 2 4 Ε 8 1 Ζ 1 10 Η 7 1 Θ 1 10
Ι 8 1 Κ 4 2 Λ 3 3 Μ 3 3 Ν 6 1 Ξ 1 10 Ο 9 1 Π 4 2
Ρ 5 2 Σ 7 1 Τ 8 1 Υ 4 2 Φ 1 8 Χ 1 8 Ψ 1 10 Ω 3 3


Α 12 1
Β 1 8
Γ 2 4
Δ 2 4
Ε 8 1
Ζ 1 10
Η 7 1
Θ 1 10
Ι 8 1
Κ 4 2
Λ 3 3
Μ 3 3
Ν 6 1
Ξ 1 10
Ο 9 1
Π 4 2
Ρ 5 2
Σ 7 1
Τ 8 1
Υ 4 2
Φ 1 8
Χ 1 8
Ψ 1 10
Ω 3 3


Blank tiles: 2 0

Greek alphabet alpha-omega.svg
Greek alphabet
Other characters
Digamma uc lc.svgDigammaGreek Stigma.svgStigma
Greek Heta.svgHetaGreek San.svgSan
Qoppa Q-and-Z-shaped.svgQoppaGreek Sampi 2 shapes.svgSampi
Greek diacritics


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Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

31.05.2011 19:07
#3 RE: Greek letter set (modern Greek) Zitat · Antworten

I played a game in modern Greek, with the Greek letter set, and with a preliminary moderngreektest.dic Linhart had sent to me.
That means, I did not play, but it was the Computer, a second Computer, a third Computer and the wheelchair button ;-) ...

But as you can see, it works!!!

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linhart Offline

Beiträge: 2.493

31.05.2011 20:47
#4 RE: Greek letter set (modern Greek) Zitat · Antworten

Very nice! (Hopefully the Greek will think the same.)

But what is the meaning of those many question marks in front of the word ΣΟΥΤΑΡΕ ?

Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

31.05.2011 21:43
#5 RE: Greek letter set (modern Greek) Zitat · Antworten

That's a bug, see the German thread [behoben] Anzeige der Umlaute beim Buchstabentausch und Cambio secco. Scotty has already fixed it in his test versions (for example v23d), but he has not published his new official version Patch 24 yet. I had played that Greek game with Patch 23 under Windows 7, and there special signs - all Greek letters are special signs (Unicode) - are shown as asterisks, not as letters, when letters had been exchanged.

But now I have made a new test with my test version v23d, and you can see that there are no asterisks any more. So don't worry, everything is OK!

Look here:

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Angefügte Bilder:
ModernGreek Game_v23d.jpg  
Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

31.05.2011 21:49
#6 RE: Greek letter set (modern Greek) Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Bussinchen in a private email to Ἀπολλώνιος

Zitat von Ἀπολλώνιος on posting #1 SKINS! (2)
I'm also an ancient Greece fanatic, so I literally spent half a year working on this custom board...pixel by pixel...especially on the border. It was insanely hard to get the damn thing to line up in the corners!

Dear Ἀπολλώνιος,
when we were chatting on Skype, you wrote:
[5/28/2011 8:32:10 PM] I know...SO MANY languages!!! Greek would be nice. :)

[...] As you maybe have seen already, we have a forum category International with many different languages, but there we are discussing in German. But of course, if you want to write something there, feel free to do it in English. Just now we are working on a Hungarian word list that will be our future magyar.dic.

[...] I would like to open a new thread in our International forum section, where we could start a discussion about the future implementation of a greek.dic. As you can see, I have already done it for the Latin language... [...]

Zitat von Ἀπολλώνιος in his private email answer to Bussinchen

You have NO IDEA how cool it would be to me to have not only a Greek dictionary, but an ANCIENT GREEK one. No. Idea. LOL! I would use a Greek font, load up a Greek skin, and just marvel at it. [...] It's nice to know that you are interested in Ancient Greece also!


Dear Ἀπολλώνιος,
let's start with modern Greek so far! Not so bad, isn't it? Hereby I already "order" an antique Greek Scrabble3D skin, matching the stylish Greek letters!

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Apollonius Offline

Beiträge: 144

01.06.2011 03:20
#7 RE: Greek letter set (modern Greek) Zitat · Antworten

Wow! That looks great!

And it makes me want to learn both modern and ancient Greek even MORE, so that I can play it! What a great vocabulary and spelling tool that would be (and fun)!

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.787

17.06.2012 11:31
[done] Modern Greek letter set implemented Zitat · Antworten

The modern Greek letter set has been implemented in Scrabble3D and is (will be) a part of the program from patch 27 b.

Greek (ελληνικά) ist ab Patch b Teil des Programms.

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