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Dieses Thema hat 2 Antworten
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 Scottish Gaelic - Gàidhlig
akerbeltzalba Offline

Beiträge: 142

30.08.2011 17:48
Sources Zitat · Antworten

Ok, I'm virtually done. There's one string I need to pick Bussinchen's brains about but other than that the scottishgaelic.lang is done (by the way, should that be in English or Gaelic i.e. scottishgaelic.lang and scottishgaelic.dic or gaidhlig.lang and gaidhlig.dic?) and we have a working dictionary and letter value set. We may tweak the values etc over time but so far, the games are well balanced.

Two questions, it occasionally crashes when I play against the computer. Does that happen?

The other question is, where I state the default and the second dictionary I had:

StandardCategory=Am Faclair Beag

I'd like to expand that a little to:

StandardCategory=Am Faclair Beag (ri fhaighinn aig

(not everyone will have heard of it, it's not quite the Duden yet)

1=Faclair Dwelly (as aonais nam faclan àrsaidh ris a bheil † ann)

(to explain that this is Dwelly but minus words he marks as obsolete, we tried playing with them and it just gets really really strange)

Is that ok?

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.787

30.08.2011 18:39
#2 RE: Sources Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von akerbeltzalba
...scottishgaelic.lang and scottishgaelic.dic or gaidhlig.lang and gaidhlig.dic?

I mistakenly applied the gaelic name for irish.lang (which will be changed). We use English for file names.

Zitat von akerbeltzalba
Two questions, it occasionally crashes when I play against the computer. Does that happen?

It shouldn't. Running on Linux I never have any trouble with computing so it's hard to debug. The error should be related to multitasking (which you can switch off in settings > computer). Perhaps I fixed something in patch 24 but if you have any idea about the reason or condition when the exception is raised, please tell me.

Zitat von akerbeltzalba
I'd like to expand that a little to....Is that ok?

You can use whatever you want. This term is shown only in settings dialogue. But I hope you don't want me to make a part available as hypertext.

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akerbeltzalba Offline

Beiträge: 142

30.08.2011 19:55
#3 RE: Sources Zitat · Antworten

Ok, English it is.

I'll try the multitasking thing

But I hope you don't want me to make a part available as hypertext.

LOL no, the forum just turned that into hypertext. As it's the default, you couldn't click it anyway as it's greyed out. Thanks!

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