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 Questions about the program
Bussinchen Offline

Beiträge: 90

07.12.2012 01:43
How to download test versions of Scrabble3D Zitat · Antworten

It is not possible to download test versions with the autoupdater of Scrabble3D. Only official Patches can be downloaded by updating the program within Scrabble3D (Menu Configuration > Settings > Options --> Button "Check now"). Test versions are not integrated in the autoupdating system.

To get a test version you have to go on this site: -->
--> Files -->
--> Main Program -->
--> Test

When you arrived on the last site, you have to choose the right version for your OS:

• - Windows 64bit: Windows 7, Windows Vista
• - Windows 32bit: Windows XP; but Win32bit works even with Windows Vista, Windows 7
• Test-Scrabble3D-x86_64-qt.tar.gz - Linux with KDE
• Test-Scrabble3D-x86_64.tar.gz - Linux 64bit Debian and RPM
• Test-Scrabble3D-i386.tar.gz - Linux 32bit

I recommend you to create a new folder on your computer, call it maybe Scrabble3D test versions. In that folder you could create a subfolder 2012-12-07. Unzip the downloaded test version into that folder and start the test version of Scrabble3D from that folder (not from Start > Programs in Windows).

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• Scrabble3D in Italia: Sezione Scrabble3D sul Forum della Federazione Italiana Gioco Scrabble

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