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Dieses Thema hat 4 Antworten
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Phil ( Gast )

17.06.2014 03:01
Slow thinking ? Zitat · Antworten

Scrabble3d is "thinking" slowly because the dictionnary is plain text.
So it takes a long time each time a joker is in the rack.
Some others free scrabble softwares have their dictionnaries compiled in DAW(G) which make them very fast.
Is the 64 bits version faster ?
My OS is Windows XP Pro 64 bits edition.
Thank you. And congratulation for the design and the easy way to use it.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.780

17.06.2014 09:33
#2 RE: Slow thinking ? Zitat · Antworten

Yes. But with the advantage that everybody can build its own dictionary. Nevertheless I'll think about an internal conversion. Right now the calculation speed does not depend on bitness, rather 32bit is somewhat faster. If you have multicore CPU you could enable parallel calculation (which is the default IIRC).
Thanks for the compliments :-)

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30.06.2014 20:41
#3 RE: Slow thinking ? Zitat · Antworten

You are allowed to study the code of ELIOT since it is open source and get some inspiration.

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.780

30.06.2014 20:54
#4 RE: Slow thinking ? Zitat · Antworten

Eliot on my computer for years but I didn't take a look at the code ;-). So what should I do next: better OpenGL implementation with kinda chess clock for instance, adding Duplicate variant to game server, porting to Android, or the improved calculation?

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Phil ( Gast )

30.06.2014 21:38
#5 RE: Slow thinking ? Zitat · Antworten

The design and display are OK for me.

Well, if you ask...
1) For speed, a compiled dictionnary.
2) The strategy : do not open the game and do not allow the opponent to use X3 words.

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