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 Questions about the program
Eenymeeny Offline

Beiträge: 8

15.11.2010 14:16
Post-game analysis Zitat · Antworten

Hello Everyone,

I have a question about the end-game analysis.

While I like the feature, since it gives me a kind of rating, I would really appreciate it if the analysis would also show the words that it has found.

For example, one word I placed in my last game got 22 points. However, when I click on the "information" window for turn 28, I see that the computer has identified "best" as a word worth 86 (!) points.

Now, I can kinda guess where the word goes and what letters are to be used, but is there no way that it could show my word and the "best" word on the same screen? The letters I placed are shown in yellow (and greyed-out in my hand, top right).

It would be nice to know how dumb I really am :=) :=)



Gero Offline

Beiträge: 2.773

15.11.2010 14:44
#2 RE: Post-game analysis Zitat · Antworten

that´s very simple: select the word of your choice and then just click on the icon with the man sitting in the wheel chair - after a while a number will appear - it´s the ranking of the word you´ve laid out - you can decrease or increase the number by the little push buttons next to the number - the corresponding words will appear on the screen

Download: Geros Superdic, was sonst! | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter | ... und im übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass Wordfinder beim online-Spiel pfui sind!

Scotty Offline


Beiträge: 3.787

15.11.2010 14:46
#3 RE: Post-game analysis Zitat · Antworten

Choose the move that you want to analyse at the tab "Game course" and click the wheelchair (single move calculation). The wiki (1,2) contains more information, unfortunately in German only so far (perhaps you like to translate some parts ).


PS: Two answers within half an hour. If this isn't a really good support

Download: | Help: Scrabble3D Wiki | Discussion: Forum | News: Twitter

Eenymeeny Offline

Beiträge: 8

15.11.2010 20:14
#4 RE: Post-game analysis Zitat · Antworten

Wow – the support is as good as the game.

OK, I'll let the PC thrash me again and see how badly I did the next time :=)

(I'm putting him down to 50% for now...)



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