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 General Questions About Translation/Localization of Scrabble3D  »Neues Thema erstellen«
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[done] Error in the original English language file xyz 6 566 19.03.2014 18:09
[wontfix] Translating plurals into Finnish - problem xyz 1 418 10.03.2014 19:13
[done] Translation, English, Finnish xyz 3 616 05.03.2014 17:36
questions about the english original xyz 1 656 03.03.2014 19:23
Question about PO msgid xyz 1 679 03.03.2014 19:03
Small headsup about plurals akerbeltzalba 3 726 21.02.2014 09:54
Ordering arguments akerbeltzalba 3 438 20.02.2014 13:23
Proofreading the English akerbeltzalba 3 560 20.02.2014 13:17
Transifex Scotty 5 611 03.02.2014 14:11
questions of translation xyz 6 419 02.01.2013 17:13
*.lang files: String changes & removed strings akerbeltzalba 4 397 13.09.2011 21:22
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