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  • Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #6
    30. März 2015

    تولد مبارک

    Zu deinem heutigen Geburtstag, liebes Linhärtchen, möchte ich dir herzlichst gratulieren - zur Abwechslung diesmal im persischen Subforum:
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch, und dir alles Liebe und Gute!

    30. März 2021

    6 Jahre sind vergangen, eigentlich 7.

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch, liebes Linhärtchen, zu deinem heutigen 74. Geburtstag.
    Wo auch immer du bist - ich denke an dich und wünsche dir alles Gute.

    Herzlichst aus der Ferne,

  • RD 28 - Neues vom NDatum07.01.2021 05:55
    Foren-Beitrag von Bussinchen im Thema RD 28 - Neues vom N

    Zitat von Gero im Beitrag #2

    Es wurde mittlerweile ein Verbot ausgesprochen, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es noch Schlupflöcher für bestimmte Varianten gibt. Vielleicht kann hier jemand noch ergänzende Informationen liefern.


  • Discussions about forum donationsDatum21.10.2020 07:35

    20 € is not even enough for two months with the Profi tariff.
    I have no idea what to do. I think it's too early to book the tariff now.
    Scotty may decide what to do.

  • Wow!

  • Wow! Cool!

  • Tamil ScrabbleDatum13.09.2020 19:24
    Foren-Beitrag von Bussinchen im Thema Tamil Scrabble

    Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #49
    Who is Alexlatham96 (not me) who added up Scrabble letter distribution for Tamil Scrabble on Wikipedia page (just today!)? Anyone from here simply?
    I want to talk with you. Can you please register in this forum and talk with me? If you are a Tamilian, will you be interested in trying out an online game with me on 21×21 board with 220 tiles, may be to start up with?

    I think you should contact Alexlatham96 directly
    on User talk:Alexlatham96,
    because even if it is probable it is not sure that he
    really will read everything here in Scrabble3D forum.

  • Maths Scrabble Puzzles.Datum10.09.2020 17:04
    Foren-Beitrag von Bussinchen im Thema Maths Scrabble Puzzles.

    Zitat von Bussinchen im Beitrag #2
    Okay, although it is redundant, I make a copy and post it once more in the other thread
    Math scrabble implemented,
    so that interested people can find it more easily.

    Done! Kindly see post #19 on Math scrabble implemented

  • Maths Scrabble Puzzles.Datum10.09.2020 17:01
    Foren-Beitrag von Bussinchen im Thema Maths Scrabble Puzzles.

    Okay, although it is redundant, I make a copy and post it once more in the other thread
    Math scrabble implemented,
    so that interested people can find it more easily.

  • Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application.Datum10.09.2020 08:59

    Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #90
    Word puzzles thread in General Forum in English group in this forum could just be made use of simply for English Scrabble puzzles and that this thread or elsewhere for non-English Scrabble puzzles.
    Or that would new thread over thereby would be good enough exclusively for that?

    As you write in English, I think it is okay if you start a new thread here in the English section on General and call it "Maths Scrabble Puzzles".

  • Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application.Datum06.09.2020 01:38

    Please read the following quotations with Google- or DeepL Translation:

    Zitat von kris im Beitrag Wörterbuch bearbeiten
    Hallo Scotty,
    danke für den Link.
    Den hab ich gelesen und da steht auch gut verständlich, wie man ein eigenes Wörterbuch erstellen könnte.
    Was aber da auch nicht drin steht, ist, wie man ein existierendes Wörterbuch bearbeitet.
    Sobald das Scrabble-Programm ein Wörterbuch abgespeichert hat, gibt es diesen Key, mit dem es verschlüsselt ist.
    Dann kann ein externes Programm, zum Beispiel das OpenOffice, auch nicht mehr die Wörter an sich anzeigen, sondern zeigt nur verschlüsselten Text an.
    Was ich suche ist aber eben die Möglichkeit, ein bereits exisxtierendes Wörterbuch außerhalb von Scrabble3D zu bearbeiten und das dann erneut vom Scrabble3D laden zu lassen.
    Gruß & schönes Wochenende,

    Zitat von Scotty im Beitrag Wörterbuch bearbeiten
    Die Verschlüsselung ist genau dazu da - verhindern, dass Unberechtigte das Wörterbuch missbrauchen. Du solltest dich in dem Fall mit dem Autor in Verbindung setzen und ihn nach der orignalen Klartextliste fragen. Falls es um das deutsche Wörterbuch geht (ich glaube, alle anderen sind unverschüsselt), dann wäre @Gero dein Ansprechpartner.
    Und falls du nur kleine Änderungen vornehmen willst, geht das auch im Dialog der Wortsuche.

    verschlüsselt = encrypted
    Verschlüsselung = encryption

    protected dictionary = encrypted dictionary

    You have already saved the downloaded dictionaries on your computer. You find them in the folder "Config directory" (see, but if you open protected dic-files, you can't read them, because only encrypted text is shown.
    Please note: Bussinchen is NOT a kind of admin for Scrabble3D application.

    As you already said, it is NOT possible to convert an encrypted dictionary into unprotected dic by making use of Scrabble3D application:
    Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #87
    [...] because as the name says 'protected', the very purpose of protecting a dictionary is to restrict other people from accessing, reading and editing any of dictionary words.

    Wether it is a good idea to encrypt and protect files or not in an Open Source project like Scrabble3D is another question.

  • Zitat von Gero im Beitrag #54
    TACK eingepflegt!

    "Tack så mycket!"

  • Unfixed bugs in Scrabble3D application.Datum01.09.2020 04:41

    Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #78
    By the way, Bussinchen and Scotty, please just try out renaming English2020.txt to English2020.ssg and loading that English2020.ssg file in Scrabble3D application and tell me what happens in your computer.

    I have installed only the old Scrabble3D version 3.1.0 (Patch 29 from 2012-12-09):

    Range check error.
    Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
    Press Cancel to kill the program.

    Please kindly note that I am no longer disposed to make tests with the Scrabble3D software and post results or bug reports.

  • Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #5
    In this forum, there were previously 233 registered members.
    Now that there are only 212. Bussinchen deleted 21 of them recently who have not made any post at all since registering for more than a month? And that she only takes care of all that type of activities?

    Yes, I deleted persons who had registered as members in this forum, but never have logged in - not even once! - after their registration in january, february, march and april 2020. I see no need nor pleasure to keep such "dead members" as members in this forum, even if the 250-members-limit doesn't matter any more, since I stopped paying the Premium Tariff for this forum.

    Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #5
    Anyway that payment of Premium Tariff to this forum has been discontinued. It does not matter if registered members exceeds 250 then fees hike will occur at all. Why is this limitation and why the number of 250 and not any other number, round number or not? Surely that any actively registered and contributing people, administrators or not in this forum cannot answer to them and only people from Xobor Support forums can be able to answer for it.

    Yes, you have to ask the Xobor Forum Support, not me:

    Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #5
    By the way that if some people do not have anything to contribute to this forum, then why do they register after all? Surely that any actively registered and contributing people, administrators or not in this forum cannot answer to them and only newly registered users in this forum can be able to answer for it.
    What is the purpose of registering in this forum and is it not possible to discuss things in this forum as a guest user? Or that is it true that some specific parts of this forum are locked for guest users?
    Or that is it better to register for more contributions so that promotions to moderators and supermods in this forum is possible?

    I don't know which reasons people have. Maybe they are bored to death. Or maybe they don't realise at all what they actually are doing when they click on "login" or "register". But they answer to the registration email to confirm their registration. But after that they never log in any more, not even once! That's really weird! But most new members behave like that after their registration. Even some new members I already know from act like that! - Queerness indeed!

    One advantage to be a member is that members can send private messages to other members. Guests cannot do that. But guests can write and post freely in this forum without registration. Only a few threads in this forum can be viewed by members only, and that has to do with a few members' (for example Gero's) wishes to have more privacy there. Other few threads for instance that are not shown to guests any more, are very very old discussions and not up to date any more, for example discussions about Scotty's Scrabble software versions as forerunners of Scrabble3D, which are not available for download any more.

  • Tamil ScrabbleDatum13.08.2020 16:55
    Foren-Beitrag von Bussinchen im Thema Tamil Scrabble

    Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #46
    What do you actually mean by unofficial editions? You mean that they are produced by other authors and not by released by Mattel outside of USA and Canada and Hasbro inside of USA and Canada?

    Yes, they call it like that. "Official editions" = only Mattel's or Hasbro's commercial editions. Everything else is called "unofficial".

    Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #46
    In your list of languages in unofficial editions, Scottish Gaelic and Cyrillic Serbian are the same language each. You counted them separately, isn't it?

    Thank you. I have corrected my mistake.

  • Tamil ScrabbleDatum12.08.2020 23:10
    Foren-Beitrag von Bussinchen im Thema Tamil Scrabble

    Ah, I see. I hadn't understood before.
    I recommend not to use such long spoiler titles. You could put the title 1 line above the spoiler instead.
    I mean like this for example:

    Puzzle 11
    For each of these following words, fill in the two pairs of missing blanks with the same digraph, it does not matter whether that digraph is a homogeneous digraph or a heterogeneous digraph

    Each word has two + two blanks.

    That's better, I think.
    Actually I don't know how many caracters are allowed in the spoiler title. Try it out if you really need to know that.

    The qu[b][/b]ote you see it only in the quoted text in your edition field when you write an answer. I did it only to show you in the post how you can do - not in the editor. It is shown correctly in my post, If I hadn't spoiles the quotation tag by another tag, the quotation tag would have been realised as a quotation in my post.
    I could even have done like this


    , but it is shown differently.

    The 65000 caracters are the Xobor-software limitation, not the administrators' settings.

    Why is it 65000 and not any other furthermore round number, binary based or decimal based, that has been and that would be. Does that character limit to any post in this forum affect the 100 MB of storage space that is allocated in any free and advertisement supported Xobor forum software?

    You have to put that question to the Xobor technicians in the Xobor Support forum:
    Maybe Ingmar Hamer can explain it to you, if you really want to know exactly why they chose that limitation.

  • Math scrabble implementedDatum12.08.2020 22:48
    Foren-Beitrag von Bussinchen im Thema Math scrabble implemented

    Thanks! That's interesting!

    It's a pity that the Maths.dic is protected/crypted by its author Jouni Tolonen, so that it is impossible for you to check and analyse it systematically.
    Check it by playing games is what I call "by accident", because you may play many many games where no mistake occurs. It occurs only by accident.

  • Tamil ScrabbleDatum12.08.2020 21:13
    Foren-Beitrag von Bussinchen im Thema Tamil Scrabble

    Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #42
    How many languages has Mattel produced Scrabble in?
    And what are those languages?

    Look here:
    and here:

    But on "unofficial" Scrabble games like Scrabble3D are included.

    Zitat von
    Official editions:
    English Afrikaans Arabic Bulgarian Catalan 5
    Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Estonian 10
    Finnish French German Greek Hebrew 15
    Hungarian Icelandic Irish Italian Latvian 20
    Lithuanian Malaysian Norwegian Polish Portuguese 25
    Romanian Russian Slovak Slovenian Spanish 30
    Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Welsh 34

    Unofficial editions:
    Anglo-Saxon Armenian Bambara Basque Bicolano 5
    Breton Dakelh Dakota Esperanto Faroese 10
    Galician Gwichʼin Haitian Creole Hausa Hawaiian 15
    Igbo Indonesian IPA English Japanese Hiragana Japanese Romaji 20
    Klingon Latin L33t Lojban Malagasy 25
    Māori Math Nuxalk Persian Pinyin 30
    Scottish Gaelic Cyrillic Serbian Tswana Tuvan Zhuyin 35

    Now we should add Tamil Scrabble amoungst the unofficial editions.

    Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #42
    1. In spoiler tags, in Xobor forums either in forum posts or in private messages I am just wondering if it is simply possible to write very long topics without those making those text which exceed the character limits that fit over thereby disappearing away.

    2. I wonder that if there is no quote button for private messages to quote other people's sent private messages to me automatically in that Xobor forum software.

    1. Even in the spoiler there is no limitation other than maximum 65,000 caracters per post (tags included), I think.

    2. You have to copy that text yourself and put it between the quotation-tags:

    Like this:

  • Math scrabble implementedDatum12.08.2020 20:46
    Foren-Beitrag von Bussinchen im Thema Math scrabble implemented

    How did you find out those mistakes?
    By a computer program? Or manually? Or by accident when playing Maths-Scrabble3D against the computer?

  • Tamil ScrabbleDatum11.08.2020 23:53
    Foren-Beitrag von Bussinchen im Thema Tamil Scrabble

    Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #40
    1. [...] what do you mean by 'exotic' dictionary for Tamil language? Because it makes use of different script for writing system?

    2. Would you be interested to consider perfect squares, triangular numbers, perfect cubes, Roman numerals, etc. as 'exotic' dictionaries for them to be uploaded to sourceforge website page so that other users of Scrabble3D application will be able to play with them?

    1. Yes, exactly. And because Mattel never produced the Scrabble game in that language.

    2. Yes, I would. Roman numerals would be even very "exotic".

  • Tamil ScrabbleDatum10.08.2020 23:35
    Foren-Beitrag von Bussinchen im Thema Tamil Scrabble

    Offtopic - this has nothing to do with Tamil Scrabble

    Zitat von Raman im Beitrag #38
    There must be some problem in this forum software if your number of posts, that is count, showing in this forum is wrong, Bussinchen, that is 70, at the time of writing this (my own) post of mine.
    Or that may be that some administrator in this forum would have done something to it, just for playing around with it simply enough.

    Please don't insist. Thank you.
    As I said before, it doesn't matter. I have my reasons.

    This is not a bug in the forum software.

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